Bright Spot on Macbook Display

My Macbook is just over 3 months old and has developed a bright spot in the display - where the pixilation color is a faded and does not show full color, creating a white spot when viewing certain colors.
Has anyone ran into this problem before?
Should I call Apple with the problem?
And everyone's favorite question,
Will this be covered by the warranty?

It should be covered and you should call Apple or go by a store for help.

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    Yes it it because there is a bright light behind the lid, in the room/area you are in, and it is shining through the white Logo onto the screen. Place something over the logo or turn off the light you have on behind the lid.
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    If people coming here for a bright spot on a MBPR screen, maybe you should see this thread which is going on too.
    My opinion: replace the whole machine not just a screen! use your 14-day return policy, do a full refund and order another one if it's necessary. Repair the LCD or replace it with the new one it might be good if it happens after a year or even two years but not for one-month year old machine! They should s.uck it up and replace the whole thing and do the d.a.m.n QA better next time.
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    Hello manuyzfr1,
    I have raised your post to the appropriate team for review.  Someone should contact you via private messages in these forums, but it may take up to two days.  Private messages can be checked by signing in and selecting the envelope icon at the top of the page.
    ↙-----------How do I give Kudos?| How do I mark a post as Solved? ----------------↓

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    Hi everybody,
    has anybody determined a solution for this problem yet? My wife has a MacBook that she uses at her desk with an external display. Every time she plugs or unplugs the external display the brightness of the built-in display reverts to maximum.
    It's not really that big of a problem, we discovered that the brightness keys on the notebook itself always adjust the built-in display, even if it's not the primary display. The brightness keys on the external keyboard always adjust the brightness of the primary display (the external monitor in this case).
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    Jens Petersohn

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    OK guys, think I found a solution to this one.
    My girlfriend's mac had the same problem as yours, and I was motivated to fix it becuase I needed to use my mac for my dissertation and she kept stealing it!
    anyway, turn the brightness all the way down, press it up once and you will see the screen flash. do it again, really fast up and down up and down and the scree will stay on as long as you keep playing with the buttons.
    next, use this temporary fix to get into system preferences -> displays... and change the resolution to something considerably lower. then it stays on permanently. Not too sure about why this happens, maybe the mac can no longer handle that many colours or complexities?
    sod it. enjoy.

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    12" iBook G4 (Mid 2005) Mac OS X (10.4.6)

    Hi Voidness,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    I don't know if it will be covered by Apple's One (1) Year Limited Warranty. It says,
    "Apple or its Apple Authorized Service Providers will provide warranty service on products that are tendered or presented for service during the Warranty Period, as permitted by law. If the product is portable, meaning that it can operate independently without a power cord, you may obtain warranty service worldwide. However, service will be limited to the options available in the country where service is requested."
    You may want to call Apple and see what an Apple representative says.
    Mac Mini 1.42Ghz, iPod (All), Airport (Graphite & Express), G4 1.33Ghz iBook, G4 iMac 1Ghz, G3 500Mhz, iBook iMac 233Mhz, eMate, Power Mac 5400 LC, PowerBook 540c, Macintosh 128K, Apple //e, Apple //, and some more...  Mac OS X (10.4.5) Moto Razr, iLife '06, SmartDisk 160Gb, Apple BT Mouse, Sight..

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    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    bad monitor cable or fault of monitor cable at logic board connector.
    There is no "fix", there needs to be hardware replacements installed
    Contact Apple for full diagnostic and replacing your monitor

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    Message was edited by: Tanya Palta

    I always keep my display with a completely black background.
    There's a noticeable gradation from the bottom to top of my screen as it gets slightly lighter. I see no evidence of differences at the corners. I tilted up, down, and sideways, but even the "gradation" effect is even. But it's an effect noted in a minority of models - particularly the widescreen portables.
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    There used to be a way in the old Quicktime to adjust the color or brightness of a video if it was too dark to view. It seems this functionality has completely gone away.  Why?
    QT is now two decades old and Apple is out to re-write its technology by making a clean break between the old and new. As such, QT X is in its infancy and has yet to reach a point it its development where Apple can refine the "extras" we all miss. My suggestion is to install the dual 32-/64-bit version of QT 7 and use it when you wish to access the A/V control panel. Both QT X and QT 7 can be installed/used simultaneously on the same Snow Leopard system. The QT structure is already embedded in your OS and only requires installation of the QT Player 7.6.6  for Mac OS X.6.3 and later. Note that the QT 7 Player is installed in your "Applications/Utilities" folder and should be left there to ensure proper updates. Also, if you have a valid QT 7 "Pro" key, you can key this player for "Pro" use.

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    My Macbook displays photographies often very dark, so that some details are not visible at all. Can there be a problem with the LED light?

    You could turn up the brightness of your display.  It's also possible the backlighting has gone bad.

  • How do you adjust the brightness on a Thunderbolt Display

    How do you adjust the brightness of a Thunderbolt Display attached to an iMac ?

    I had this peculiar ‘issue’ hooking up to my MacBook Retina when my Thunderbolt Display was delivered but Applecare  - thanks Andrew - got me there. It seems daft!
    The Thunderbolt Display Brightness slider IS there – you just have to know how to make it show up.
    At initial set-up of the Thunderbolt Display [or if the Brightness slider is ever not visible in the System Preferences> Thunderbolt Display window], so long as the Thunderbolt [external] Display and the Macbook Display are ‘mirrored’ I can control the Thunderbolt [external] Display via my MacBook Retina Brightness keys [F1 & F2] – or by the Brightness slider that THEN appears in my System Preferences>Thunderbolt Display window. Once set up the Thunderbolt Display System Preferences Window continues to show the Brightness slider but I occasionally lose it if my MacBook has been disconnected from the Thunderbolt Display for some time – and I then have to start over.
    Apple menu >
    System Preferences>
    Click Arrangement [at the top]
    Click Mirror Displays [at the lower left]
    That then gives me-at-least a Brightness slider on the System Preferences> Thunderbolt Display window [as well as on the Built In Retina Display window] and I can then adjust them independently.
    Oddly, having set this up just once the Brightness slider then remains on my Thurnderbolt Display and I can control it [and my MacBook Retina Display independently]. Occasionally I lose it again and have to start over.
    Hope this works for others.

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