Battery Life - Advice

Hi all,
Needing a little bit of advice - not sure if I am doing something wrong.
When I chose my MP3 player, I originally didn't want an i-Pod due to the fact I'd heard the battery life was rubbish. When we went to the shop to buy the Sony MP3 I wanted, we were basically talked into the i-Pod by a very enthusiastic salesman who was a hardcore i-Pod fan.
I've got the new 30gig video i-Pod and he told me that although it advertises around 20hrs battery life he said I could ideally expect between 6-10hrs of CONTINUOUS PLAY on the battery, which was fine.
However I am finding I am getting approx 1.5hrs of continuous play at the very most before my battery goes into the red from full.
Is this due to something I am doing wrong, or are all i-Pods generally like this? Or do you think its a problem with mine?
Any advice would be appreciated!!

From new, the iPod battery can take time getting to full potential. There are a lot of factors that affect battery usage such as what size your music files are, how often you use the click wheel or the backlight etc. As far as battery life goes, the hours Apple quotes are based on continual play of music files, AAC 128kbps file format, no backlight and no access via the scroll wheel during play. How long you get from your battery really depends on how you are using your iPod.
Have a look at these pages:
Battery FAQ
Tips and tricks to get the most out of your iPod's battery
Improve your iPod's battery performance
Accurately determine your iPod battery life
Lithium-Ion Batteries
Common Sense IPOD Battery Pointers
About the Battery charge status icon
Hope some of this helps.

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    I will receive my Spectre XT Touchsmart Ultrabook back from the repair center tomorrow.Hopefully the issues that it had were resolved so I'm looking forward to enjoying using it again. However, one of the biggest issue that I had with that laptop was it's short battery life. Surfing the web and perhaps doing some light Photoshop work at a cafe makes it last AT MOST 2 and a half hours. Does anyone have advice as to how to make it last at least 3 hours or more? - Does HP CoolSense burn battery life?- I will most likely turn off the backlit keyboard and lower the display brightness to about 40%- Do Dropbox and Box Sync consume a lot of battery?- What are the best Power Options settings to squeeze more battery life? Thanks in advance for any replies.

    Hello TheCainMan, Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More. I understand you are looking for some advise on how to extend your battery life on your HP Spectre XT Touchsmart Ultrabook. I am providing you with a link to an HP Support document: Improving Battery Performance (Windows 8, 7, Vista). If you review and follow the document you should be able to extend your battery life. As for how much I cannot say as a lot of it depends on how you use and that is different for every user.
     I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!

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    If you need any more info about the Macbook, ask away.

    Apple - Batteries
    Apple - Batteries - Notebooks

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    Hello all!
    I recently got the highest end MBP 15" Retina and it runs AMAZINGLY fast, but the only problem I'm having with is the battery life.
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    If anyone has any advice, it'd be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advanced!

    puzzledsean wrote:
    I'm not doing anything intensive on my computer either; just simple web browsing and chatting on Skype.
    Skype is one of the most resource hungry application that one may use.  It will drain the battery very quickly.  When using it, connect your MBP to the power adapter.
    Read the Apple hype regarding battery run time.  The operative term is 'UP TO' not will achieve 8 hours run time.  In the 'real world' conditions, battery run time will be determined by the number and type of applications you are using.  If you are just text editing, you may very well get 8 hours from from the battery, but certainly not with Skype games or video.

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    Kill Dashboard: Open, Type in: defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES;killall Dock - Hit Enter.
    Install ClicktoPlugin and ClicktoFlash Safari Extensions
    Turn Off Hibernation. sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
    Install Glimmerblocker
    Set noatime flag - sudo mount -vuwo noatime /
    Disable Java in Safari
    Switch to Chrome
    Sign out from iCloud Power consumption drops from 15.4w to 8.91w. All NIC's where disabled
    re enable bluetooth and plug in eth0 power consumption rises to 10.11w
    Sign in to iCloud - 16.01W. Turn all sync off - 14.63w.
    Enable Find My Mac - 14.5W.
    Enable Safari - 14.3W
    Enable Contacts - 14.92W
    Disable iCloud.
    Shutdown macbook - remove Super Drive
    Startup - all NIC's and external devices disabled.
    Idle power consumption with Notes,Activity Monitor and Smart Battery Monitor only 6.7W - Baseline
    eth0 enabled - 7.6W
    Bluetooth enabled for trackpad - 9.01W
    External USB Keyboard connected - 9.1 W
    Sign Back into iCloud - 14.62 W
    Signed into iCloud but idle (after a few minutes) - 9W
    Enable location Services and Find my Mac - 13.37 W
    Consumption at idle now 9W
    disable all NIC's, remove USB Keyboard and disable bluetooth - 7.15W
    So you can see that I managed to get the draw from battery as low as 6.7W.  iCloud and removing the super drive appear to have made the biggest difference so far, but it is inconsistent.  What other steps do you recommend to try next?

    There's already a thread discussing the battery issue here.  Have a read...probably starting backwards since it's quite long.  A completely clean install of Mountain Lion 10.8.2 (not an upgrade, patch or combo udpate) has resolved the issue for many folks.  My MacBook Air was suffering severe battery drain after upgrading to ML 10.8 as well.  Performing a fresh install of 10.8.2 corrected it.
    My advice would be to wipe the hard drive and perform a fresh installation.  Everything you need to know can be found here:
    How to Clean Install OS X Mountain Lion
    It's also advisable to do a manual apps, drag other files in from backups, etc. rather than using a full Time Machine restore or Migration Assistant.  That will ensure that if there was a problem it won't migrate back and you'll have a pristine installation. 
    Hope that helps and best of luck!

  • Satellite A215-S4757 - Battery life and cooling fan issue

    Hello everybody,
    I would like to ask a few questions abou my system: first of all, the cooling fan is running in my opinion too often: almost continuously, with brakes of 2-3 seconds. Is this normal?
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    Anyway, I think the "almost allways running fan" problem appeared about 2 months after I purchased the notebook. I have installed "Speedfan" and I see "HD0" temperature is increasing from about 30deg immediately after I start the laptop, to about 39deg after 1 hour.
    But the curious thing is that so named "Core" temperature is oscillating from the beginning between 45deg and over 52deg! The fan starts each time the core temperature is rising over 50deg and stops when the temperature reaches 45deg. Is this behaviour normal???
    Is the core temperature of 45-50deg normal? I am just using my laptop for Internet browsing, e-mails, etc., no complex 3d games!
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    Please help me with some advices / opinions.
    P.S. I've bought my Toshiba as I was on trip in USA (NY).
    Thank you very much in advance.

    > I would like to ask a few questions about my system: first of all, the cooling fan is running in my opinion too often: almost continuously, with brakes of 2-3 seconds. Is this normal?
    Im an owner of a Satellite A210. Its similar to the A215. The A210 is a European model and the A215 belongs to the US notebook series.
    I have noticed the same on my A210 and I think its normal behavior.
    > But the curious thing is that so named "Core" temperature is oscillating from the beginning between 45deg and over 52deg! The fan starts each time the core temperature is rising over 50deg and stops when the temperature reaches 45deg. Is this behavior normal???
    The CPU temperature of 40-60deg is nothing unusual.
    The temperature could arise up to 70-80degrees while playing a game. So dont worry about the temperature.
    The cooling modules are controlled by BIOS. The fan table is stored in the BIOS and it contains informations about temperature limits and the cooling usage.
    If a certain temperature level was reached the cooling module starts to rotate with a certain speed.
    Now I would like to say something about the notebooks battery life time
    Generally the battery life time depends on the notebooks usage.
    While playing games or watching movies the battery would discharge much faster.
    Anyway, your notebook was equipped with high-performance devices and as far as I know the Vista was preinstalled on this series. Both factors (high performance devices CPU and GPU) + Vista OS need a lot of battery power. Vista needs more notebook resources as the Win XP and therefore notebooks with Vista OS run shorter on battery as the notebooks with preinstalled Win XP.
    Last but not least you have to know that there are different battery models A stronger battery with higher *mA* value would help to run the notebook longer using the battery power.
    Hope I could clarify this question.

  • X1 Carbon 2015 (Gen3) Battery life

    Hello all, 
    Looking for some advice on properly setting up power managment on my new X1Carbon 3rd Gen, touch screen, i7, 8GB ram.  Running Windows 8.1.  I have used the default Lenovo powerplan but reduced brightness to 50%.  
    I noticed today and yesterday while traveling that I was not getting the 5-8 hours I have heard people mention.  Yesterday though I was watching some video in the VLC app and found I was down to 30% after approximately 2 hours.  In total may have gotten 3 hours battery.  
    Today I worked on my laptop on two train rides back to back total 2.5 hours and was down to 28% battery.  I suspect that I might have some settings not optimized so any feedback would be appreciated.  This is a fresh install so no bloatware and all Lenovo drivers are up to date.  
    Any feedback would be appreciated or areas I should look at to fix this. 

    I am probably in the 'real world' 5-6 hour range with my Gen. 3 X1 (sometimes I can stretch to 6.5-7 hours if I watch power usage very carefully and run Task Manager to shut down battery hogging processes).  Big dissapointment in the battery life department, for sure.  I think part of this is Windows 8.1 which tends to run processes that chew up battery (unlike Apple laptops which are way more optimized to sip power).
    I originally ran on "Balanced"  mode but I'm getting really bad browser (mostly Chrome) lag on battery so I switched to "Lenovo Power Optimized" which really hasn't helped the lag that much but the machine seems a bit more responsive.  
    I have Battery Bar Pro to monitor my instant power usage and found that the X1 uses far less power on battery when browsing using Internet Explorer touch (on the Metro side) but that requires you to choose IE11 as your default browser which is not optimal since the touch version of IE11 is so limited (no extensions) that it makes browsing difficult (at least for me).  I am praying that Spartan solves these problems.  
    So, bottom line is that the X1 is definitley not getting anywhere near its advertised battery life of 10.4 hours.  I'm sure you could get that if you had the screen all the way down and used the X1 in a very limited fashion but nobody works like that.  Lenovo should be more like Apple and give real world battery life estimates (yes, the MacBook Air really gets 10+ hours plus in real world usage).  
    There's a lot to like about the X1 (great keyboard, trackpoint, good touchpad, etc.) but battery life is not one of them.
    2015 3rd Gen. X1 Carbon (i5-5300U+256GB SSD+QHD (2560x1440) IPS Multi-touch)

  • After software/firmware UD, battery life decreased significantly+overheating problems

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    13 inch late 2011
    2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
    4gb 1333 MHz DDR3
    Mac OSX Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
    Hi, a month or two ago I did a software/firmware update (the thing that automatically pops up once in a while and asks if you want to update). Before the update, I was getting 7-8 hours running safari on a bright level (more than half) which was awesome!
    Anyways, after I did the update, my battery life decreased significantly. If my brightness was at half, I got around 2.5 hours MAX. If I ran word and safari it wouldn't even last two hours.
    Along with the horrible decrease in battery life, my laptop now gets really hot, really quickly, even if I'm only running safari on a low brightness. Sometimes the fan vibrates becuase it's working so's NEVER done that before.
    I took it into the Apple store 'genius' bar, since I still have the warranty and the person that helped me offered no resolution. He told me that my battery still has life and didn't know why my laptop did this, laughed...and then dismissed me (rude). haha
    system report of the battery:
    Firmware Version:          201
      Hardware Revision:          000a
      Cell Revision:          158
      Charge Information:
      Charge Remaining (mAh):          5281
      Fully Charged:          Yes
      Charging:          No
      Full Charge Capacity (mAh):          5333
      Health Information:
      Cycle Count:          392
      Condition:          Normal
      Battery Installed:          Yes
      Amperage (mA):          0
      Voltage (mV):          12457
    I'm not sure what any of this means, but the 'genius' told me my battery still had a lot of life.
    I just want the battery life back.
    Does anyone know what's going on and how I can fix it?
    Thank you

    Hi, thanks for your advice. I just tried resetting and it worked momentarily (battery life improved, fan stopped making so much noise) UNTIL I put my computer to sleep and opened it again... when i first reset, battery life said 5:48. The fan was fine until I put it to sleep (closed the lid and opened five minutes later). Now it's heating up again and the fan is going crazy (making that buzzing noise), battery life is at 2:40 on same display brightness (half). I only have safari open....
    Is there anything else I can try to do? Not sure why this happens after I put it to sleep. I don't want to have to reset my computer every single time I open it.
    EDIT: after posting this, not even five minutes later my battery time dropped to 2:07 and is funneling down as I type.

  • My battery life at a full 100% charge is about 2 hours 22 minutes (backlight and key lights at lowest level). Should I go complaining to Apple or do I just need different software?

    My battery life at a full 100% charge is about 2 hours 22 minutes (backlight and key lights at lowest level). Should I go complaining to Apple or do I just need different software? I've only had my mac book since August 2011. The battery dies in 2 to 3 hours with some web surfing (little video play) and photo editing etc. I really don't feel like taking my computer all the way to the apple store to wait there for 5 hours to hear that I need to call someone blah blah blah. Any advice? (BTW Safari hasn't been working since I last updated my mac, WHYYYY?)

    emsavage1127 wrote:
    Should I go complaining to Apple or do I just need different software?
    emsavage1127 wrote:
    I really don't feel like taking my computer all the way to the apple store to wait there for 5 hours to hear that I need to call someone blah blah blah.
    Make an appointment at the genius bar, that way, you wont have to wait.

  • Battery Life significantly! reduced just by loading Maverick

    So when will Apple address this major issue?
    Just do a search and see that a lot of people have experienced this. My battery life was cut by 2/3 the moment I loaded Maverick. I loaded it based on the promise of improved battery life. THIS IS A LAPTOP. BATTERY LIFE IS EVERYTHING!!!!
    HAS ANYONE FOUND A REAL SOLUTION? Everything I read are well meaning people offering standard advice about battery life. Please do not add more standard book advice here (i.e. close programs you are not using, etc. duh). Please respond to what we are saying, "My battery life was cut by 2/3 the moment I loaded Maverick." How do I fix it?

    I haven't had any problem with my battery so far. it's just probably that you been playing around with it too much. besides with the new apps store and the applications it might take more juice now.

  • IPod Touch and Battery Life

    Hello guys, just question for you.
    I think that soon I'll go get myself a new iPod and still can not decide between the iPod touch 64 gigs and the Classic.
    I am looking for a device where I can store all my music and has a good battery life. Now the Classic would be great as I would not need to upgrade for a few years ... the only worry is that it's a bit too fragile, due to the presence of an hard drive and not flash memory.
    On the other side I wonder if the iPod touch would resist for a week without charging it....I'm the kind of user who often flickrs tru the list looking for other songs etc and also most of my songs have been ripped at 320kbs so that means the player has to fish into the memory more often
    Any advice? Thanx in advance

    Hi Antonio,
    I've had a classic (original 160gb) for a few years now. It's taken a few knocks over time... nothing hardcore/abusive, but still works fine.
    Apple say that you get 36hours of music from a classic and 30hours from a touch
    I listen to my classic on my way to/from work, and a few hours of the day at work. I can get a whole week out of one charge easy.
    I recently bought a touch with some gift vouchers from a work bonus. The usability of a touch is far superior to a classic. Movies, games, apps, wi-fi are all amazingly good, but drain your battery. A charge usually lasts 2-3 days, but I do use my work wi-fi to check facebook & eBay sometimes (banned on work computers)
    I'd say touch trumps the classic, but if your music is all 320k, your going to fill 64gb fast!!! One thing to bear in mind is it's almost new Apple time. With the advent of iPhone OS4, there are many rumours and speculations, all of which are totally unfounded, but it is widely assumed that June/July will yield a new iphone, and possibly a new touch. There is no way to know for sure what the specs will be, but the new touch may come in greater sizes than 64gb

  • 7th generation ipod nano battery life? Please help.

    I only seem to be getting about ten hours out of my new ipod nano.I've only had since October when it came out and charged it only about five times since then.I have calibrated the battery a few times,but it still has not improved.I only use my ipod for music and photos and I have the brightness setting on lowest.I don't use the equalizer or bluetooth.I have read that resetting it doesn't help.I really love my ipod,but I hope it's not defective 'cause it's engraved and I haven't bought the warranty for it yet.Does anyone else have this issue with the battery life? Any advice?

    I guess i neglected to say that I did all tests from letting it completely die to letting it sit for 22 hours without touching it (who uses ipods without touching them for 30 hours?) and it died just after 22 hours. 3 times now it said connect to charge after 5 to 6 hours but one of the times i let it play without touching it after it said to charge and it went for another 5 hours then died? Any other hints or tricks or is this battery really garbage like others are saying!? If apple don't do a fix for this they will be getting hundreds of these ipods back because of the deception on battery life!

  • In an iPhone 3GS (or 4G), can a user configure the WiFi power-save to extend battery life?

    In an iPhone 3GS (or 4G when I upgrade), can a user configure the WiFi power-save operation to extend the battery life?  For example:  Can a user turn on/off WiFi power-save operation?  Can a user specify WiFi sleep duration?  Thanks in advance for any helpful advice.

    Yikes!   Thanks, Templeton.  Do WiFi app programmers have control over power-save settings?  For example, can a first VoIP app be more energy-efficient than a second VoIP app?

  • Problems with battery life post reset and 12070 wi...

    I have been trying to get my Lumia 800 battery life to decent levels but even with a hard reset and the 12070 update my battery with 3g turned on struggles to last 12 hours even without use.
    I have tried just about everything but when I turn 3G off battery life is brilliant. If I turn 3G on though initially battery drain seems okay at 80ma but after 5 mins or so it increases to 250ma even going as high as 350ma.
    The only thing I can think is that the 3G part has an issue but I am not 100% sure how I go about checking this out.
    I do not have a service center near I think (North East Scotland)
    Any ideas?

    Hi all,
    While that is true the point here is that when a network had bad signal it will cause the Lumia to use a lot more energy to (continuously) try and get a connection as long as you have mobile data enabled. If your network does not support EDGE anymore it would be best to switch off mobile data all together as at those moments it's hardly usable anyway with the connection cutting out regularly.
    With the described action I get about 32-35hours of usage myself, having mobile data and WiFi on all the time and actively using it throughout the day. Not that it is an issue either way as I connect my Lumia to the charger as soon as When I am at home anyway.
    If you have any further questions let me know.
    Press the 'Accept As Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, click on the Star Icon below if my advice has helped you!

  • MBA 2014 giving battery life of 4-6 hours.

    Hi all
    I recently purchased MBA 13 inch 2014 1.4ghz 128 gb. 4GB RAM
    The battery life of this product is just around 4-6 hours with my usage. My usage is pretty normal the mail app, google chrome/safari, dropbox for 80-90% of the time.  I have installed parallels on my machine with windows 8.1 and use it in aggregate for 35-40 minutes in a day and when not using parallels or windows i QUIT the application.
    I called up Apple care centre and they advised me to download SMC 2.8 version but when i try to install it says it is already installed.
    but when i check system report it  says SMC version 2.13f9 only.
    I am really frustrated cause of this battery problem I hope that there is a solution to this, as battery life was the only reason i opted to buy this.
    Thanks in advance.

    I had the same problem for a week on my Q10. I was extremely frustrated as I couldn't get any advice from Blackberry and the best advice on this forum suggested a "security wipe".  I reluctantly decided to go ahead and do that. I first  tried to back the phone up.  I had to update the BB Link software on my PC and then was able to do the backup. I started to download the software suggested here (which takes 5 hrs unless you pay for it) and then realised the phone seemed to be OK again. Since then it lasted 48hrs and today is only down to 88% after 9hrs.
    My problem was mainly that Standby was using 50% of the battery & Androd Player 15%. Both are now under 2%.
    Your phone may have a different problem so if you've downloaded the latest BB LInk and done a backup with no luck then all I can say is good luck!

Maybe you are looking for