Bad Powerbook Purchase

I've made a very bad Apple purchase. About 3-weeks ago I purchased a refurbished Powerbook G4 1.67 (HighRes) from the online Apple refurbished store for 1,599. The day I received the Powerbook it had the famous horizontal line issue. So I sent the Powerbook in for repairs via AppleCare. My first attempt was unsuccessful, they couldn't "recreate" the problem.
That day the Apple refurbished site showed a MacBook Pro for $100 more then I paid a week ago for this unit. So I said to myself.. instead of attempting another repair, maybe I should attempt on getting my money back. So I kindly asked the AppleCare rep on the phone line if that would be possible. He said sure - since I was still within my return time. But a few minutes later my call was transferred to some other support lady. She basically said I wouldn't be able to return my mac since it has already been in for repairs. So at that point I was stressed out and said okay to another repair.
Luckily my display has been fully replaced with a working model. But now I feel I've chipped out of money. I paid $1,599 for a refurbished Powerbook G4 that has been in for 2 repairs. Then a week after I purchased this computer, Apple puts up a MacBook Pro for $100 more. I've paid so much for already aged technology. To top the icing on the cake, I also paid hefty sales tax fee and wasn't "qualified" for the iLife 06 update.
I'm a student and a Apple zealot. I would try selling the Powerbook on ebay. But from what I can tell its worth about nothing. It wouldn't be wise for me to loose $400-500 for a 3-week new computer. If Kevin Rose (Diggnation PodCast Host) can get a MacBook Pro for a 5 months old Powerbook for free, why can't I get a MacBook Pro or my money back or even a update iLife 06 CD for my 3-week new Powerbook G4.

i just did the same thing 3 weeks ago, i bought a pb g4 15 inch 1.67 to replace an old ibook. i'm all apple since 1983 (IIe).
i contemplated the macbook pro, but i figured that i couldn't afford to replace all my software (namely adobe) for the new intel chip, plus lacking firewire 800 and s-video and modem (i travel over seas where occasionally i need dialup), etc. etc.
the only thing that sucked was that it came with '05 versions of imovie, etc. i was ****** that apple wouldn't upgrade me to iLIFE '06, even for the $10 charge they gave to people who bought new computers...i bought this end of march, which even though it was a refurb, essentially it was a '06 computer.
apple definitely lost more money based on the bad publicity they're gonna get from me than they percentage of the $80 retail they would have made off of me for the upgrade.
but in the end, i'm happier with the latest 'old' machine than to be a guinea pig for the bottom end of the next generation. you can sell your pb and upgrade in a year or two when things get up to speed.
...although front row/remote and the built in i-sight are real spiffy...

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    Populate PO Item Text -User Exit or BADI
    [Steps to Activate BAdI|]

  • Badi for Purchase Requisition Release Strategy

    Can any help me to know about the BADI for Purchase Requisition Release Strategy .Is their any BADI to  control the PO Price for a PR release strategy
    Thanks for your help

    This badi is for schedule agreement ?
    BAdI: Release Creation for Scheduling Agreements with Release Documentation
    You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence release creation.
    This BAdI is used in the application component Scheduling Agreements (MM-PUR-OA-SCH).
    This BAdI includes the following methods:
    Change Data Before Release Creation (BEFORE_CREATION)
    Change Data After Release Creation (AFTER_CREATION)
    This BAdI is called during manual and automatic release creation.

  • Use of SAVE_TEXT in customer exits / BADI for purchase order

    Hi All,
    I am trying to save some long text by using SAVE_TEXT function module in a badi implementation for purchase order header text. The same is working fine if i try to update the PO header text via a report. But if i try using badi (the code is written in a PAI event for the BADI), then though the text transfer and save is successful during the code excution, but for the first time when i add any text its not visible in ME22N tcode. Since its an online event. But when i double click on that editor and the sap script editor gets opened. then i press back button, the text is appearing on the same small screen edtor . after this any number of time i edit or delete text, the save_text function module works fine.
    My issue is why for the first time always i have to double click on the editor to open the sap script editor. I have also included commit_text in this case after save_text FM.
    the requirement here goes like this. in one tab for PO header the user will enter some number (This is a customizing screen implemented through badi.) and the corresponsing discription should appear when user clicks on text tab in po header screen (me21n / me22n).
    Kindly help.

    Hi  mamata rath
    I have solve the problem which similar to yours.  the code which is as the following
    DATA: textline TYPE tdline,
            name TYPE c LENGTH 70,
            glines TYPE TABLE OF tline,
            gline  LIKE LINE OF glines,
            ls_header TYPE thead.
         CONCATENATE ch_eban-banfn ch_eban-bnfpo INTO name.
             ls_header-tdobject = 'EBAN'.
             ls_header-tdname = name.
             ls_header-tdid = 'B01'.
             ls_header-tdspras = sy-langu.
    *           CLIENT                = SY-MANDT
                 header                = ls_header
    *           INSERT                = ' '
    *           SAVEMODE_DIRECT       = ' '
    *           OWNER_SPECIFIED       = ' '
    *           LOCAL_CAT             = ' '
    *         IMPORTING
    *           FUNCTION              =
    *           NEWHEADER             =
                 lines                 = glines
                 ID                    = 1
                 LANGUAGE              = 2
                 NAME                  = 3
                 OBJECT                = 4
                 OTHERS                = 5
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                  CALL FUNCTION 'COMMIT_TEXT'
                      OBJECT                = 'EBAN'
                      NAME                  = name
    *                ID                    = '*'
    *                LANGUAGE              = '*'
    *                SAVEMODE_DIRECT       = ' '
    *                KEEP                  = ' '
    *                LOCAL_CAT             = ' '
    *              IMPORTING
    *                COMMIT_COUNT          =
    *              TABLES
    *                T_OBJECT              =
    *                T_NAME                =
    *                T_ID                  =
    *                T_LANGUAGE            =

  • User exit or BADI for purchase order

    I want send outbound IDOC for purchase order to 3rd party integration system.
    It is too hard to map between standard purchase order IDOC and business object of 3rd party system because the structure of standard purchase order IDOC is so complicated.
    So I want bring purchase order data into CBO table when purchase order is created or released. And this data will be inserted CBO IDOC for more simple structure than standard one.
    I'm trying to find some of user exit or BADI to insert from standard purchase order to CBO table in the time of purchase order is created or released.
    And I'm trying to find another way using message type.
    As far as I know it is possible to set sending IDOC in the purchase order message type setting in IMG.
    Is anyone who has related situation or know the way to do this?

    I have similar requirement, however the BADI name you mentioned does not exist.
    Pls let me know the right one.

  • BADI for Purchase  Order

    I Want to Implement BADI , Which is already available in SAP.
    The Path for BADI is given below.
    SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->Materials Management->Purchasing->Business Add-Ins for Purchasing
    Name of BADI
    1 Control of Pricing Type: Additional Fields : ME_DEFINE_CALCTYPE
    2.Run Through Items Again in the Event of Changes in EKKO : ME_CHECK_ALL_ITEMS
    This enhancement is about Transaction Code ME23N for creating Purchase Order.
    I am not getting what exactly this BADI does?
    while creating purchase order and Price determination process ,When i define Incoterms at Header level i want to change condition type for Item Level according to our requirement.
    my problem is that , i don't have parameters to pass condition types.
    can anybody tell me the solution?

    Hi archana,
    actually i want to use the same BAdi and method (PROCESS_ITEM).
    Question: did you use parameter GET_HEADER of method PROCESS_ITEM ?
    my problem: i want to read BSART from MEPOHEADER-data and according to result i want check MEPOITEM-data (here: WEPOS)
    ls_mepoitem = im_item->get_data( )
    works, but i did not find out how to use
    ...->get_header( )
    If you used it, can you paste© your source code ???
    Thanx a lot !
    P.S. it's my first BAdI
    -- no more help needed ! Problem solved by adding own post!!! ---
    Message was edited by: Jörg Sauterleute

  • Urgent !!! User exits or badi for purchase info records

    Hi all,
    In purchase info records that is through tcode ME11, ME12 I need to validate order unit field. When you go to tcode ME12 in the second screen you will find order unit field. Now the thing is I need to validate this field. For example when the user selects any unit type I need to pass value to a custom field based on the value of order unit field. Please let me know who to carry out this process.
    Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: Andy V

    Hi Andy,
    I'm not sure is those transactions has Badis, but if you want to make sure of it (I can't do it right now), go to SE80 transaction and select the class/interface <b>CL_EXITHANDLER</b>, then you have to select the <b>Get_Instance</b> method and put a break-point in the following call:
    call method cl_exithandler=>get_class_name_by_interface
    instance = instance
    class_name = class_name
    exit_name = <b>exit_name</b>
    no_reference = 1
    no_interface_reference = 2
    no_exit_interface = 3
    data_incons_in_exit_managem = 4
    class_not_implement_interface = 5
    others = 6.
    the value of <b>exit_name</b> will give you the name of the BADI that is been call from the transaction.
    Note: This method will show you every Badi that is being activated since you put the break-point.

  • BADI for purchase order item confirmation?

    Hi all,
    In Purchase Order change mode (ME22N), we want to calculate the delivery date based on the confirmation date that was entered in the PO item detail, confirmation tab (instead of based on the PO creation date).
    Please help by specifing Which BADI should we use for that purpose? And which method will be helpful? 


  • User Exit/BADI for Purchase Order and Purchase Requisitions

    I have a requireent where i have to check the the user does not enter both Subitems and Over a Limit for a Service Purchase Requisition.
    Is there a User Exit or Badi that i can use where this information is availaible.
    also i have to check that release strategy is assigned to every purchase order where the version has been completed.
    Is there a User Exit or Badi where Information of EREV table is availaible.
    Tarun Bahal

    For Purchachase requisition , the BADIs and USER EXITS are
    ME_COMMITMNT_PARKING BAdI for Redefining Commitment Interface When Parking
    ME_MEREQ_PARKING BAdI Purchase Requisition: "Hold"
    ME_REQ_HEADER_TEXT Copy Header Text: Enjoy Purchase Requisition
    try with the above BADI's
    MEREQ001 Customers' Own Data in Purchase Requisition
    for Purchase order , the BADIs and USER EXITS are
    ARC_MM_EKKO_CHECK BAdI: Enhancement of Archivability Check (MM_EKKO)
    ARC_MM_EKKO_WRITE BAdI: Enhancement of Scope of Archiving (MM_EKKO)
    EXTENSION_US_TAXES Extended Tax Calculation with Additional Data
    MEGUI_LAYOUT BAdI for Enjoy Purchasing GUI
    ME_ACTV_CANCEL_PO BAdI for Activating the Cancel Function at Header Level
    ME_BADI_DISPLAY_DOC BAdI for Internal Control of Transaction to be Invoked
    ME_BSART_DET Change document type for automatically generated POs
    ME_CCP_ACTIVE_CHECK BAdI to check whether CCP process is active
    ME_CCP_BESWK_AUTH_CH BAdI for authorization checks for procuring plant
    ME_CCP_DEL_DURATION Calc. of Delivery Duration in CCP Process (Not in Standard)
    ME_CHANGE_CHARACTER Customer-Specific Characteristics for Product Allocation
    ME_CHANGE_OUTTAB Enrich ALV Output Table in Purchasing
    ME_CHECK_ALL_ITEMS Run Through Items Again in the Event of Changes in EKKO
    ME_CHECK_OA Check BAdI for Contracts
    ME_CHECK_SOURCES Additional Checks in Source Determination/Checking
    ME_CIN_LEINRF2R BADI for CIN India - Delivery charges
    ME_CIN_LEINRF2V BADI for LEINRF03 excise_invoice_details
    ME_CIN_MM06EFKO Copy PO data for use by Country version India
    ME_CIP_ALLOW_CHANGE Configuration in Purchasing: Changeability Control
    ME_CIP_REF_CHAR Enables Reference Characteristics in Purchasing
    ME_COMMITMENT_RETURN Commitment for return item
    ME_COMMITMENT_STO_CH BadI for checking if commitments for STOs are active
    ME_COMMTMNT_PO_RELEV Check for Commitment-Relevance of Purchase Orders
    ME_COMMTMNT_PO_REL_C Check for Commitment-Relevance of Purchase Orders
    ME_COMMTMNT_REQ_RELE Check of Commitment Relevance of Purchase Requisitions
    ME_COMMTMNT_REQ_RE_C Check of Commitment Relevance of Purchase Requisitions
    ME_DEFINE_CALCTYPE Control of Pricing Type: Additional Fields
    ME_DP_CLEARING Clearing (Offsetting) of Down Payments and Payment Requests
    ME_FIELDSTATUS_STOCK FM Account Assignment Behavior for Stock PR/PO
    ME_GUI_PO_CUST Customer's Own Screens in Enjoy Purchase Order
    ME_HOLD_PO Hold Enjoy Purchase Orders: Activation/Deactivation
    ME_INFOREC_SEND Capture/Send Purchase Info Record Changes - Internal Use
    ME_PO_PRICING Enhancements to Price Determination: Internal
    ME_PO_PRICING_CUST Enhancements to Price Determination: Customer
    ME_PO_SC_SRV BAdI: Service Tab Page for Subcontracting
    ME_PROCESS_COMP Processing of Component Default Data at Time of GR: Customer
    ME_PROCESS_PO Enhancements for Processing Enjoy Purchase Order: Intern.
    ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST Enhancements for Processing Enjoy Purchase Order: Customer
    ME_PROCESS_REQ Enhancements for Processing Enjoy PReqs: Internal
    ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST Enhancements for Processing Enjoy PReqs: Customer
    ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED Purchasing Document Posted
    ME_RELEASE_CREATE BAdI: Release Creation for Sched.Agrmts with Release Docu.
    ME_REQ_OI_EXT Commitment Update in the Case of External Requisitions
    ME_REQ_POSTED Purchase Requisition Posted
    ME_TAX_FROM_ADDRESS Tax jurisdiction code taken from address
    ME_TRF_RULE_CUST_OFF BADI for Deactivation of Field T161V-REVFE
    ME_TRIGGER_ATP Triggers New ATP for Changes in EKKO, EKPO, EKPV
    ME_WRF_STD_DNG PO Controlling Reminder: Extension to Standard Reminder
    MM_DELIVERY_ADDR_SAP Determination of Delivery Address
    MM_EDI_DESADV_IN Supplementation of Delivery Interface from Purchase Order
    SMOD_MRFLB001 Control Items for Contract Release Order
    AMPL0001  User subscreen for additional data on AMPL             
    LMEDR001  Enhancements to print program                          
    LMELA002  Adopt batch no. from shipping notification when posting
    LMELA010  Inbound shipping notification: Transfer item data from 
    LMEQR001  User exit for source determination                     
    LMEXF001  Conditions in Purchasing Documents Without Invoice Rece
    LWSUS001  Customer-Specific Source Determination in Retail       
    M06B0001  Role determination for purchase requisition release    
    M06B0002  Changes to comm. structure for purchase requisition rel
    M06B0003  Number range and document number                       
    M06B0004  Number range and document number                       
    M06B0005  Changes to comm. structure for overall release of requi
    M06E0004  Changes to communication structure for release purch. d
    M06E0005  Role determination for release of purchasing documents 
    ME590001  Grouping of requsitions for PO split in ME59           
    MEETA001  Define schedule line type (backlog, immed. req., previe
    MEFLD004  Determine earliest delivery date f. check w. GR (only P
    MELAB001  Gen. forecast delivery schedules: Transfer schedule imp
    MEQUERY1  Enhancement to Document Overview ME21N/ME51N           
    MEVME001  WE default quantity calc. and over/ underdelivery toler
    MM06E001  User exits for EDI inbound and outbound purchasing docu
    MM06E003  Number range and document number                       
    MM06E004  Control import data screens in purchase order          
    MM06E005  Customer fields in purchasing document                 
    MM06E007  Change document for requisitions upon conversion into P
    MM06E008  Monitoring of contr. target value in case of release or
    MM06E009  Relevant texts for "Texts exist" indicator             
    MM06E010  Field selection for vendor address                     
    MMAL0001  ALE source list distribution: Outbound processing      
    MMAL0002  ALE source list distribution: Inbound processing       
    MMAL0003  ALE purcasing info record distribution: Outbound proces
    MMAL0004  ALE purchasing info record distribution: Inbound proces
    MMDA0001  Default delivery addresses                             
    MMFAB001  User exit for generation of release order              

  • Badi for purchase requisition and stock transfer order

    Could anybody please tell the BADI to update the item details (dates etc) in the 'Purchase requisition' and stock transfer orders.
    I could find ME_PROCESS_REQ etc but could not locate the methods to modify the item level data.
    Thanks & regards,

    You can use the same badi which you found out.
    In that there is a method process_item.
    There you can get the line items of the PR.
    Then in the POST method you can do the stock transfer .
    In the check method also you can check the entire process of PR.
    With Regards,

  • Powerbook purchased in 2003 has no airport card?

    The manual says my powerbook is equipped with AirPort Extreme wireless technology, but system profiler says, "no information found" about the AirPort card.
    I never tried to connect to a wireless lan until I tried today and nothing happened – no automatic hook-up.
    What's up? I have the "technology," but no card? Is this right? Do I need to purchase a card now?
    Any suggestions?

    OK, I looked under the battery and there's a serial number posted there for an airport extreme card.
    I never had a need to try to use the airport card since I purchased the computer and now that I have tried it, it's pretty distressing to find that it is either broken, loose or was never installed.
    As much as I love Apple computers, this really doesn't do much to make me happy with the company. I feel like I was cheated.
    Anyhow, thanks to the folks who helped solve the problem for me.
    Duane, is there any information you could give me about opening the case to check to see if the board is not installed properly or is loose? I'm looking specifically for any warnings about things I should avoid doing.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Required BADI  for  purchase order

    Hi experts,
    Can any one please suggest me which BADI or userexit suitable in purchase order to restrict accountassignement category depend upon Doc type with the suitable method.

    Hi Ram,
              Actually my requirement is like this .
    In the me21n tcode, if doctype of purchase order is 'ZCAP' then it has to allow the accasscategory 'A' only.
    If any other accasscategory assigned then it has to display error message.
    For that i have gone for me_process_po_cust BADI. But it does not had any changing parameters to satisfy my requirements.
    Is there any alternative?
    pleae Reply me asap .
    Its very urgent...

  • User Exit or BADi in Purchase Order Regarding

    Hi Friends,
                      i have a requirement like this. If Item Categiry(At Item level, 3 Rd Column) in a Purchase order is type 'L'. We will have an option to enter multiple materials under components screen(It will come by giving on line item with 'Item categiry 'L''. at bottom under Material Data tab if we click Components button.)
                     At this screen i need to validate the component materials with line item material. Can any body tell me the User Exit name or Badi name for this requirement.

    Enhancement object MM06E005 has screen exits and function module exits that allow you to add customer fields to purchase order processing - both header and item overview.
    Check txn CMOD or SMOD. Use CMOD to create a project with this enhancement object.
    Check these links :
    Re: ME21N - PO Enhancement using BADI
    Re: How make validations before saving a Purchase Order ?
    Re: Accesing Item Line Level Texts from MM06E005 user-exits (ME21N)
    HEADER1-PO_NUMBER = '4500000001'.
    HEADER1-CREATED_BY = 'divya'.
    HEADER1-CREAT_DATE = '20060407'.
    POITEM-PO_ITEM = '10'.
    POITEMX-PO_ITEM = '10'.
    PURCHASEORDER = '4500000001'
    Make the above changes.
    Th header is just a work area, not an internal table.
    Refer ths thread and see if it has an answer:
    FM BAPI_PO_CHANGE & new PO line items
    <b>Reward points</b>

  • Will a g4 17" powerbook purchased new n 2006 accept a SATA less than 500 GB HDD

    I have a 17"G4 powerbook lap top purchased new in 2006. The HDD just went on a walkabout. I want to knowifthe puter willl accept a SATA less than 500GB 7200 rpm HDD replacement. If so what bits and pieces would I need to effect such an upgrade?

    This is what you are stuck with in the G4.
    Hard Drive Interface
    Ultra ATA/100 (ATA-6)
    Links to this kind of drive. Or try google and Amazon (2.5 ATA hard drive). There isn't as much choice as these have not been OEM equiped for several years. I bought a spare for my G4 12" some time ago just in case I would need it. Finding a SCSI drive is even more challenging

  • User exit/BADI  for Purchase requisition through release of Process order

    Hi ,
    i need to add some text to the Pur Req.
    The Pur Req will be created THROUGH the release of PROCESS order. Please let me know any exits are available for the same.

    Check the following Exits and BADI for Pur Requisition
    MEVME001                                WE default quantity calc. and over/ underdelivery tolerance
    MM06E001                                User exits for EDI inbound and outbound purchasing documents
    MM06E003                                Number range and document number
    MM06E004                                Control import data screens in purchase order
    MM06E005                                Customer fields in purchasing document
    MM06E007                                Change document for requisitions upon conversion into PO
    MM06E008                                Monitoring of contr. target value in case of release orders
    MM06E009                                Relevant texts for "Texts exist" indicator
    MM06E010                                Field selection for vendor address
    MM06E011                                Activate PReq Block
    MMAL0001                                ALE source list distribution: Outbound processing
    MMAL0002                                ALE source list distribution: Inbound processing
    MMAL0003                                ALE purcasing info record distribution: Outbound processing
    MMAL0004                                ALE purchasing info record distribution: Inbound processing
    MMDA0001                                Default delivery addresses
    MMFAB001                                User exit for generation of release order
    MRFLB001                                Control Items for Contract Release Order
    AMPL0001                                User subscreen for additional data on AMPL
    LMEDR001                                Enhancements to print program
    LMELA002                                Adopt batch no. from shipping notification when posting a GR
    LMELA010                                Inbound shipping notification: Transfer item data from IDOC
    LMEQR001                                User exit for source determination
    LMEXF001                                Conditions in Purchasing Documents Without Invoice Receipt
    LWSUS001                                Customer-Specific Source Determination in Retail
    M06B0001                                Role determination for purchase requisition release
    M06B0002                                Changes to comm. structure for purchase requisition release
    M06B0003                                Number range and document number
    MEQUERY1                                Enhancement to Document Overview ME21N/ME51N
    MELAB001                                Gen. forecast delivery schedules: Transfer schedule implem.
    MEFLD004                                Determine earliest delivery date f. check w. GR (only PO)
    MEETA001                                Define schedule line type (backlog, immed. req., preview)
    ME590001                                Grouping of requsitions for PO split in ME59
    M06E0005                                Role determination for release of purchasing documents
    M06E0004                                Changes to communication structure for release purch. doc.
    M06B0005                                Changes to comm. structure for overall release of requisn.
    M06B0004                                Number range and document number
    Business Add-in
    ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST                     Enhancements for Processing Enjoy PReqs: Customer
    ME_PROCESS_REQ                          Enhancements for Processing Enjoy PReqs: Internal
    ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST                      Enhancements for Processing Enjoy Purchase Order: Customer
    ME_PROCESS_PO                           Enhancements for Processing Enjoy Purchase Order: Intern.
    ME_PROCESS_COMP                         Processing of Component Default Data at Time of GR: Custome
    ME_PO_SC_SRV                            BAdI: Service Tab Page for Subcontracting
    ME_PO_PRICING_CUST                      Enhancements to Price Determination: Customer
    ME_PO_PRICING                           Enhancements to Price Determination: Internal
    ME_INFOREC_SEND                         Capture/Send Purchase Info Record Changes - Internal Use
    ME_HOLD_PO                              Hold Enjoy Purchase Orders: Activation/Deactivation
    ME_GUI_PO_CUST                          Customer's Own Screens in Enjoy Purchase Order
    ME_FIELDSTATUS_STOCK                    FM Account Assignment Behavior for Stock PR/PO
    ME_DP_CLEARING                          Clearing (Offsetting) of Down Payments and Payment Requests
    ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED                      Purchasing Document Posted
    SMOD_MRFLB001                           Control Items for Contract Release Order
    EXTENSION_US_TAXES                      Extended Tax Calculation with Additional Data
    ARC_MM_EKKO_WRITE                       BAdI: Enhancement of Scope of Archiving (MM_EKKO)
    ARC_MM_EKKO_CHECK                       BAdI: Enhancement of Archivability Check (MM_EKKO)
    MM_EDI_DESADV_IN                        Supplementation of Delivery Interface from Purchase Order
    MM_DELIVERY_ADDR_SAP                    Determination of Delivery Address
    ME_WRF_STD_DNG                          PO Controlling Reminder: Extension to Standard Reminder
    ME_TRIGGER_ATP                          Triggers New ATP for Changes in EKKO, EKPO, EKPV
    ME_TRF_RULE_CUST_OFF                    BADI for Deactivation of Field T161V-REVFE
    ME_TAX_FROM_ADDRESS                     Tax jurisdiction code taken from address
    ME_REQ_POSTED                           Purchase Requisition Posted
    ME_REQ_OI_EXT                           Commitment Update in the Case of External Requisitions
    ME_RELEASE_CREATE                       BAdI: Release Creation for Sched.Agrmts with Release Docu.
    ME_DEFINE_CALCTYPE                      Control of Pricing Type: Additional Fields
    ME_CHANGE_OUTTAB                        Enrich ALV Output Table in Purchasing
    ME_CHANGE_CHARACTER                     Customer-Specific Characteristics for Product Allocation
    ME_CCP_DEL_DURATION                     Calc. of Delivery Duration in CCP Process (Not in Standard)
    ME_CCP_BESWK_AUTH_CH                    BAdI for authorization checks for procuring plant
    ME_CCP_ACTIVE_CHECK                     BAdI to check whether CCP process is active
    ME_BSART_DET                            Change document type for automatically generated POs
    ME_BADI_DISPLAY_DOC                     BAdI for Internal Control of Transaction to be Invoked
    ME_ACTV_CANCEL_PO                       BAdI for Activating the Cancel Function at Header Level
    MEGUI_LAYOUT                            BAdI for Enjoy Purchasing GUI
    ME_CHECK_ALL_ITEMS                      Run Through Items Again in the Event of Changes in EKKO
    ME_COMMTMNT_REQ_RE_C                    Check of Commitment Relevance of Purchase Requisitions
    ME_COMMTMNT_REQ_RELE                    Check of Commitment Relevance of Purchase Requisitions
    ME_COMMTMNT_PO_REL_C                    Check for Commitment-Relevance of Purchase Orders
    ME_COMMTMNT_PO_RELEV                    Check for Commitment-Relevance of Purchase Orders
    ME_COMMITMENT_STO_CH                    BadI for checking if commitments for STOs are active
    ME_COMMITMENT_RETURN                    Commitment for return item
    ME_CIP_REF_CHAR                         Enables Reference Characteristics in Purchasing
    ME_CIP_ALLOW_CHANGE                     Configuration in Purchasing: Changeability Control
    ME_CIN_MM06EFKO                         Copy PO data for use by Country version India
    ME_CIN_LEINRF2V                         BADI for LEINRF03 excise_invoice_details
    ME_CIN_LEINRF2R                         BADI for CIN India - Delivery charges
    ME_CHECK_SOURCES                        Additional Checks in Source Determination/Checking
    ME_CHECK_OA                             Check BAdI for Contracts
    Reward points if useful

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