Advice how to increase Spectre XT Touchsmart Ultrabook battery life.

I will receive my Spectre XT Touchsmart Ultrabook back from the repair center tomorrow.Hopefully the issues that it had were resolved so I'm looking forward to enjoying using it again. However, one of the biggest issue that I had with that laptop was it's short battery life. Surfing the web and perhaps doing some light Photoshop work at a cafe makes it last AT MOST 2 and a half hours. Does anyone have advice as to how to make it last at least 3 hours or more? - Does HP CoolSense burn battery life?- I will most likely turn off the backlit keyboard and lower the display brightness to about 40%- Do Dropbox and Box Sync consume a lot of battery?- What are the best Power Options settings to squeeze more battery life? Thanks in advance for any replies.

Hello TheCainMan, Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More. I understand you are looking for some advise on how to extend your battery life on your HP Spectre XT Touchsmart Ultrabook. I am providing you with a link to an HP Support document: Improving Battery Performance (Windows 8, 7, Vista). If you review and follow the document you should be able to extend your battery life. As for how much I cannot say as a lot of it depends on how you use and that is different for every user.
 I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!

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    Are you talking about "HP Spectre XT TouchSmart Ultrabook 15-4000ef" ? Based on the following document, you don't need any case:
    Just buy a standard HDD and use the spare place which is designed for a normal 2.5" HDD.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
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    4. The more important reason to use Airplane Mode is when you’re mobile in an area with a really spotty connection—because the iPhone or iPad will try to stay connected at all times, it’s going to be constantly searching for a connection, which can drain your battery. Head into Settings and flip the Airplane Mode switch right up at the top of the screen.
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    8. Disable Location Services
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    9. Disable Bluetooth If You Don’t Need It
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    10. Disable Vibrate Feature in Games
    If you’ve got a game that uses the vibrate feature, you can turn that off to save some battery life. This mostly matters if the game heavily uses it, and you’ll need to change the setting for the game. As a side note, and it should go without saying, if you’re running really intensive video games, they will kill your battery very quickly.
    11. Charge and Discharge Your Battery Regularly
    Your iDevice needs to be fully discharged and recharged at least once a month to operate at maximum efficiency and keep the battery from dying. You’ll also want to make sure that you don’t store the device with a dead battery, as that can also cause the battery to lose charge capability—when your battery dies, make sure to recharge it quickly.
    <Edited by Host>
    Irem Bright writes and would love your own addition if you got other helpful tips.
    Thank you all.

    11. Charge and Discharge Your Battery Regularly
    Your iDevice needs to be fully discharged and recharged at least once a month to operate at maximum efficiency and keep the battery from dying. You’ll also want to make sure that you don’t store the device with a dead battery, as that can also cause the battery to lose charge capability—when your battery dies, make sure to recharge itquickly
    The reason that Apple suggests you drain and recharge your battery once a month is not because it affects the life ofthe battery. What it actually does is calibrate the battery sensor, giving you a more accurate reading. 
    Other than that, you done an admirable job of summarizing the Knowledge Base article:
    Best of luck.

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    Best Regards
    Stephen Lee

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    Please let me know if there is a solution to this problem.
    Thanks in advance!!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Yeah even for me it seems unhooking power adapter does the trick !
    Even my Laptop is just 4 weeks, how could manufacturers let so common bug seep through their high end laptops.
    Are these not tested for audio video quality ?
    Anyways I need an alternate fix as I do not want to lose my laptop for a month, in exchange or return process.
    P.S.: Sound drivers re-installation is of no use.
              HP Guys, thanx for ur concern, but if u can give a fix for AC adapter noise interfernece it will be great. !!

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    Solution found for me.  First, a little background.   I have a HP Spectre XT Touchsmart 15-4010NR and also have the same annoying  buzzing noise.  Usually lasts less than a second and is intermittent.  Counted it 13 times in four minutes of a YouTube audio file.  Time between the buzzes varies significantly ranging from a second or two to over a minute.  Once during the four minutes the audio cut out completely for less than a second.  My solution, I unplugged the AC adapter.  No more problem whatsoever as long as I'm on the battery.  Tried this multiple times, plugging the AC back in for a few minutes, then the same on battery.  The result, the buzzing occurs only when the AC is plugged in, and does not occur at all when on battery power.  The AC power adapter provides power and charges the battery normally.  Not sure what to conclude from this.  I suppose the AC power adapter or cord could have an issue.  Not going to go out and buy another one to test whether this is the case.  It's an inconvenience, but I'll just unplug the AC power when listening to audio.  If I listened to long recordings or movies this could become a real issue.  I'd be curious to know if it's a hardware problem, or something I could adjust in the settings on the computer, or something else like a grounding issue.   Interested if others can confirm my findings and expand on them.  out

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    During GR system is showing the error message as
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    What is the standard no of line items in MIGO
    And how to increase the line items
    Is there any notes to apply
    plz give sutable solution

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    SAP's note 117708 provides a modification. I am pasting solution below.
    Via the summarization you can post documents with more than 999 items in
    The modification required for this is small, in addition you have to
    change 2 tables. The modification is carried out in FI not in invoice
    To activate document summarization in FI proceed as follows:
    - The changes are described in Note 36353 and for the
    modification in Note 77161. You may also have to apply Note
    67640 so that the document summarization affects inventory
    An advice for the notes:
    36353: Solution point 3: Field name WERKS
    77161: Solution point 2: Maintain table TTYPV with Transaction
    - this has the following effects; you can no longer clear the
    GR/IR clearing account on purchase order item level (but only
    on purchase order level) and you can only display the FI data
    summarized (also see Note 36353)

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                Could someone advice me on how to increase the thread count for JDBC Adapter in Visual Admin:
    JDBC_ 5
    JDBC_ 5
    JDBC_ 5
    JDBC_ 5
    I need to increase them to 10.

    hi check the below links:
    admin manual:
    note:reward points if solution found helpfull.....

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    I also have the Total Care 3 year accidental damage in home service for this laptop. Can anyone of you experts help me? I would greatly appreciate it!

    I see your resolved the recovery issue by turning the date back to 2012 in the BIOS.
    We will soon have new recovery media available to resolve this.
    We will also have a softpaq available that will fix teh Recovery from F11
    Send me a PM about the Recovery Media - that was not sent to you
    I am an HP employee.
    "Did my response help with your issue? If so, please give me Kudos by clicking the "Kudos" button or mark the post that solved your problem as the Accepted Solution. Thanks!"

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