Adobe Air app crashes on iPad2 but not iPad3 on iOS 8.1

I have an app built with Flash Builder 4.7 using Adobe Air (version The app runs some interactive animations (.swc files) and after running for a while on iPad2 the app crashes (can reproduce crash in same scene exactly 5 seconds into animation every time) but runs perfectly fine on the iPad3 both using iOS 8.1. Is this a fixable memory issue? an sdk problem?

I have an app built with Flash Builder 4.7 using Adobe Air (version The app runs some interactive animations (.swc files) and after running for a while on iPad2 the app crashes (can reproduce crash in same scene exactly 5 seconds into animation every time) but runs perfectly fine on the iPad3 both using iOS 8.1. Is this a fixable memory issue? an sdk problem?

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    We use a Motorola MC65 with Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional.
    On the Motorola the app crashes in a definite transaction when we close the transaction screen.
    Workflow is this: we open a detail screen with a listview -> with double click we pick a object from a collection and  starts the transaction -> close the transaction screen -> now a rule decide what will happen (you can see the rule in the picture) -> but the app crashs before something happens.
    Could we debug the client or could we create some loggings on the device? We dont know how we could find out why the app crashes. (as information: if the agentry client crashes on this point, we could not end the task from the agentry client with the task manager, we have to restart the Motorola client)
    Tags edited by: Michael Appleby

    now we fixed the problem.
    As i told you we start the transaction screen from the detail screen and after ending the gtransaction the screen did not close and the client did not respond anymore.
    We fixed the Problem in this way that we do a navigationstep after the transaction step. In this we make the decision which screen should be shown as the next screen an open it. Thats all. In all other Client beside the WinCE Client the Transactionscreen closed and we could see the last detail screen. But on the  WinCE Client we nedd the navigation step.
    I dont know if this is a bug from the WinCE Agentry Client Version but this workarpund was the solution for us.
    @Jason: we breaking the rule down to separate subrules so the debugging in much better but we loose the reference to the object we used in the main rule, so we keep the active object refernce in a temp attribut at the main object and  get the active object with this id in the subrules

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    Unfortunately, I do not own an iOS device and from my understanding, you have to have a developer account just to be able to test apps on your device, even if you have no intention of ever publishing something on the store. Correct me if Im wrong on that, but everything I have seen is that the only way to test apps without a developer account is to have a jailbroken device.
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    Anyone know for sure?
    And if so, what happens with the APIs available through these swfs that we currently include:
    Many thanks

    The answer is no. Apps developed for AIR using HTML and JavaScript are not supported on iOS or other mobile platforms. The mobile platforms do include a StageWebView component that can be used to load and display HTML and JavaScript. However, it is entirely different than the HTMLLoader control used on the desktop platforms (for HTML-based AIR apps). You cannot, for example, call any AIR/Flash APIs from JavaScript running in a StageWebView. In general, very little communication is possible between your ActionScript application code and the JavaScript code running in the StageWebView object.

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    you can install adobe air on your win 8.1 device so you can then install and run air apps,

  • Can not find Adobe AIR APP Short cut

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      There is no need to uninstall earlier versions unless you are really short of disk space.
    Get the latest version of AIR here:

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    Wifi connection good - everything working. Can get through to my partner via facetime app on my phone but not Macbook Air?

    Hi Sophie172,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots. 
    FaceTime for Mac: Troubleshooting FaceTime
    - Judy

  • Adobe AIR Apps + Safari = Very slow

    Hi everybody,
    I'm experiencing a strange behaviour of my Adobe AIR Apps on iPad. I've tested several Apps now (one GPU-Heavy Game, one CPU-Blitting App, one pretty standard Puzzle) and all of them do have the same issue - as soon as Safari is running in the background it sometimes (not always.. and most likely on iPad1) slows my App down to 1fps. Until I close Safari again. I haven't ever seen any other App doing so, thus I believe it's an Adobe AIR bug. Maybe only on iPad though.
    Does anyone know why this happens or if I can get around of that? Besides my Apps run superfast.
    What I've tested so far is:
    - My memory usage is ~4mb. Doesn't seem to bother him if it's more or not
    - My GPU-Cache is held quite low (but even with empty GPU Cache this issue appears)
    - I'm using an Enter-Frame in all my apps which simulates the rendertick. Maybe this may be the fault?!
    Many thanks in advance,

    - if the iPad was restarted you can have opened any iOS system-app without slowing down the Adobe AIR app
    - nevertheless after some hours this bug occurs again.
    Our game is in stores now: and many people send us bugreports because of it. As soon as I'm telling them to close iOS system-apps things work superfine again.
    You can download and test this bug for yourself - I think this might be pretty self-explaining then.
    I'm a bit struggling how to solve this.. honestly.

  • Adobe air apps cannot be installed

    I have trouble with my PC to install any kind of adobe air app. When I start to install a Adobe air app, I get the UAC request and I confirm it but then the Adobe Air Application Installer.exe *32 is hanging and doing nothing.
    When I repeat the process another Adobe Air Application Installer.exe *32 instance is started.
    Here is my equipment and what I tried:
    Windows 7 professional SP1 64 -Bit
    - Reinstalling Adobe air with Revo Uninstaller(cleaning registry) and installing it new with Admin rights.
    - Installing Adobe air in Windows XP Sp3 mode
    - Multiple apps were tried and when I start them with the SDK, they are working fine.
    - No information are available in the windows eventlogs
    Any idea  how to solve it or any possibility to start a debug tool to get more information?
    Thank you in advance for any input and help!

    Hi Chris,
    I appreciate your support!
    Sadly the Microsoft Install and Uninstall Fix It tool does not work, adobe air is still hanging during the app installation.
    This is what I have done:
    1. Uninstall Adobe air with the Microsoft Tool
    2. Install Adobe air new
    3. Try to install the app SmartClient.air -> Did not work
    4. Try to install the app DesktopiPhone.air -> Did not work
    Now I have 4 Adobe air instance in the task manager(see screenshot)
    2* Adobe Air Installer
    2* Adobe Air Application Installer
    Here the install log file:
    [2012-09-25:08:54:39] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2012-09-25:08:54:39] Commandline is:
    [2012-09-25:08:54:39] No installed runtime detected
    [2012-09-25:08:54:41] Relaunching with elevation
    [2012-09-25:08:54:41] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\sd000037\appdata\local\temp\airb183.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2012-09-25:08:54:43] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2012-09-25:08:54:43] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4324_0 -ei
    [2012-09-25:08:54:43] No installed runtime detected
    [2012-09-25:08:54:43] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2012-09-25:08:54:43] Installing msi at c:\users\sd000037\appdata\local\temp\airb183.tmp\setup.msi with guid {14DC0059-00F1-4F62-BD1A-AB23CD51A95E}
    [2012-09-25:08:54:45] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2012-09-25:08:54:45] Elevated install completed
    [2012-09-25:08:55:46] Application Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2012-09-25:08:55:46] Commandline is: "D:\Arbeit\SmartOffice\0.07.23 MAIN_10082012_001_BETA\SmartClient.air"
    [2012-09-25:08:55:46] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2012-09-25:08:57:27] Application Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2012-09-25:08:57:27] Commandline is: D:\Arbeit\SmartOffice\DesktopiPhone.air
    [2012-09-25:08:57:27] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR

  • Since installing Maverick, all Adobe CC apps crash when I am trying to save or import.

    Since installing Maverick, all Adobe CC apps crash when I am trying to save or import.  I might be able to save the file if I do not try to select anything other folder than the current folder that opens (last opened).  I do not use the cover view option (I see some have had problems with that), but almost always have it in list view.
    Is there some setting I need to set or is there a fix for this somewhere?
    Also, is it just me or does it seem like Mac crashes more now with Maverick than before?

    Here is a portion log from Photoshop CC from Step 1
    Date/Time:       2013-11-22 19:22:56 -0500
    OS Version:      10.9 (Build 13A603)
    Architecture:    x86_64
    Report Version:  18
    Command:         Photoshop
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CC
    Version:         14.1.2 (
    Parent:          launchd [205]
    PID:             437
    Event:           hang
    Duration:        1.16s (process was unresponsive for 9 seconds before sampling)
    Steps:           12 (100ms sampling interval)
    Hardware model:  iMac9,1
    Active cpus:     2
    Fan speed:       798 rpm
    Free pages:      338236 pages (+1861)
    Pageins:         16 pages
    Pageouts:        0 pages
    Swapins:         0 pages
    Swapouts:        0 pages
    Process:         Adobe Photoshop CC [437]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CC
    Architecture:    x86_64
    Parent:          launchd [205]
    UID:             501
    Task size:       55405 pages
    CPU Time:        1.087s
    Note:            Unresponsive for 9 seconds before sampling
      Thread 0x3216     DispatchQueue 1          priority    0-35   cpu time   1.086s
      12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 10804) [0x100002a34]
        12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 2967993) [0x1002d49b9]
          12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 2967772) [0x1002d48dc]
            12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 556898) [0x100087f62]
              12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 23843020) [0x1016bd0cc]
                12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 23838178) [0x1016bbde2]
                  12 -[NSApplication run] + 646 (AppKit) [0x7fff86dfea29]
                    12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 23836328) [0x1016bb6a8]
                      12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 23833549) [0x1016babcd]
                        12 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 2021 (AppKit) [0x7fff86fae744]
                          12 ??? (AdobeOwl + 223946) [0x1043f6aca]
                            12 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 3721 (AppKit) [0x7fff8700df71]
                              12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 24599380) [0x101775b54]
                                12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 24595429) [0x101774be5]
                                  12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 547869) [0x100085c1d]
                                    12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 541782) [0x100084456]
                                      12 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 9041949)
    I also see this message:
    *** Assertion failure in -[PSCocoaMenu itemAtIndex:], /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-1265/Menus.subproj.NSMenu.m:865
    Also, here is a .hang report that I found
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CC
    Process:         Adobe Photoshop CC [939]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CC
      11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 10804) [0x100002a34]
        11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 2967993) [0x1002d49b9]
          11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 2967772) [0x1002d48dc]
            11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 556898) [0x100087f62]
              11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 23843020) [0x1016bd0cc]
                11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 23838178) [0x1016bbde2]
                                          11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 23838420) [0x1016bbed4]
                                            11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 554787) [0x100087723]
                                              11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 555164) [0x10008789c]
                                                11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 582218) [0x10008e24a]
                                                  11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 551140) [0x1000868e4]
                                                    11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 1096492) [0x10010bb2c]
                                                      11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 1066245) [0x100104505]
                                                        11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 1106928) [0x10010e3f0]
                                                          11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 9028189) [0x10089c25d]
                                                            11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 543403) [0x100084aab]
                                                              11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 9047434) [0x1008a0d8a]
                                                                11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 539561) [0x100083ba9]
                                                                  11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 23909304) [0x1016cd3b8]
            11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 24013556) [0x1016e6af4]
              11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 26858074) [0x10199d25a]
                11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 26851948) [0x10199ba6c]
                  11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 26855800) [0x10199c978]
                    11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 2771725) [0x1002a4b0d]
            11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 24013556) [0x1016e6af4]
              11 ??? (Adobe Photoshop CC + 2351757) [0x10023e28d]
             0x100000000 -        0x103bb5f07  com.adobe.Photoshop 14.1.2 ( <CC99E953-1231-383F-BC67-BCE95BA4E2A7> /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CC
             0x106bf3000 -        0x107282fef  com.adobe.PlugPlugOwl ( <762B5A6D-E532-3EDD-9E8C-6A52F77BF985> /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
             0x10ff7d000 -        0x10ffffff7  MultiProcessor Support <551607FA-AC71-39ED-871E-0F26335ADF89> /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop Support.plugin/Contents/MacOS/MultiProcessor Support
             0x116600000 -        0x116848ff7  com.adobe.PSAutomate 13.0 (13.0) <C674EBC3-36AA-368A-B400-0EB597CC8F23> /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop acOS/ScriptingSupport
             0x1168cb000 -        0x1168d9fff  com.adobe.boost_threads.framework 7.0.0 ( <C44EEFDE-8A50-303A-8DF6-197E37C34DFC> /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
             0x118bb8000 -        0x118c19ff7  com.adobe.dvatransport.framework 7.0.0 ( <0BF14F9A-4525-3A85-8F11-174E23A01D57> /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
             0x11cfdd000 -        0x11d227fff  com.adobe.dvacore.framework 7.0.0 ( <DE7B7941-89B3-3A19-A7BE-28E9BB2BC2DD> /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
    Parent:          Adobe Photoshop CC [939]
    Responsible:     Adobe Photoshop CC [939]
    Responsible:     Adobe Photoshop CC [939]
    Not sure if any of this helps...

  • Displaying fb Friends in Adobe AIR app

    First off, I realize I'm completely in over my head here.
    I am a designer... not a programmer.  Sure, I've set up some "quizzes" on facebook... but nothing like what I'm trying to do here.  So, I'm hoping to get some quick and simple help from someone here.
    Anyway... here's my problem...
    I've made a fun little Adobe AIR app using Flash CS4.  When ran it makes your computer screen look like you're logging into the Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Evil franchise.  It has company data, surveillance cameras and other stuff.  It's totally for fun and doesn't "do" anything.  Just wanted to make an AIR app late one night and this is what I did.
    Now, however, I would like to make it so that you can login to your facebook account and then view a "database of Umbrella Employees"... which... in reality... would simply be a list of your facebook friends with pictures!  The descriptions of what they "do" could be randomly generated from a file or something... or it could be grabbed from some posts they've made or something.  But the friend pictures and names are really what I'm wanting to show.
    I have looked and looked all over for a simple "downloadable" example of this.  I've found some things, but everything is like reading an encyclopedia... and, like I said, I'm simply not that smart.
    Does anyone have a Flash CS4 .fla file that you could share with me to show me how to do this?
    I'm serious when I say I can't figure much out... so please include all library files and anything else I need to know (like upload this to your server here) and stuff.
    If you help, and I "release" this (obviously I can't make money on it) I'll put an Easter egg in for you with your profile or picture or whatever you like!
    Here's hoping for some help...

    start here:

  • Adobe AIR Does Not Update

    I am running Adobe AIR on openSUSE Linux 11.0. I am using it mostly to run TweetDeck.
    Lately, when I run TweetDeck, after a bit Adobe AIR says there is an update to available. It tells me I have to close TweetDeck to install it, so I close TweetDeck. However the KDE Wallet is still open.
    I tell it to install, it prompts me for the root password which I enter.
    Then the install fails with the error :  Sorry, an error has occured. Adobe AIR could not be installed. Install either Gnome Keyring or KDE Wallet before installing Adobe AIR.
    However, KDE Wallet IS installed and is open at the time. The AIR update won't install whether the Wallet is open or closed.
    Can this be fixed?

    OK, I went through the steps at the referenced link, and installed a couple
    libs as indicated below, and made the symbolic links suggested, then ran the
    Adobe AIR binary installer I had downloaded - and it worked. I now have 2.03
    installed. That is the latest version, right? And the latest update? The RPM
    database shows 2.0.3. Release 13070. So a direct install worked, the
    installer showed it as an update to the existing install. But I still don't
    know if a future update will work right while running as a normal user.
    Please note I'm still running on openSUSE 11.0, the instructions show only
    11.1. I intend to upgrade to 11.3 at some point. I checked the recommended
    installed packages. Most were already installed, except for gtk2-devel.i586
    which I installed and libuuid1-32bit hal-32bit which I installed. would require quite a few changes to the system which
    made me nervous, so I did not install that one.
    The machine and OS are 64-bit.  Also note that I'm using KWallet 1.1 on KDE
    3.5.9 Release 49.2. Note in the log below that it simply shows it can't find
    it.  Is it possible that I need to be root to update AIR so that it can find
    Kwallet in the search path? I haven't tried that since the update prompt
    just appears when I'm using TweetDeck and there's no option to run as root.
    I ran the installer as root, so perhaps that's the issue.
    Here is the install log from the previous efforts:
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] waiting to receive open event
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] enter waitingForOpen
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] beginning UI styling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] UI styling complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] Unpackaging to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] unpackaging/validation is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] application is bound to this
    version of the runtime
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] app id TweetDeckFast
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] pub id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] Application not located
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] Waiting for user confirmation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] User confirmed action: install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] creating native installer in:
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] native installer creation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] Starting install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] using conversion output in
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] Beginning install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] Error occurred; beginning
    rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false
    eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception Error: Only root can install the
    application" errorID=0]
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] Rolling back install of the
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] Rollback due to error complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Only root can install the application" errorID=0]
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] stateInstallingWithElevation:
    enter install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] stateInstallingWithElevation:
    /opt/Adobe AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime /opt
    -silent -logToStdout -url -location /opt -programMenu
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: Starting silent
    app install of
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: UI SWF load is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: Unpackaging to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller:
    unpackaging/validation is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: application is
    bound to this version of the runtime
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: app id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: pub id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: Application not
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: creating native
    installer in: /tmp/FlashTmp.vRbSRl
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: native installer
    creation complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: Starting install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: using conversion
    output in /tmp/FlashTmp.vRbSRl/setup.deb
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: Beginning
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: Installing
    package ...
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: Execution
    complete; beginning commit phase
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: Commit complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: starting cleanup
    of temporary files
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] subinstaller: application
    installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] received unknown message type
    from subinstaller: done
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] starting cleanup of temporary
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:11557[INFO] application installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Updater:11961[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Updater:11961[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Updater:11961[INFO] Pingback request completed with HTTP status
    Adobe AIR Updater:11961[INFO] Begin background update check
    Adobe AIR Updater:11961[INFO] Starting download from
    Adobe AIR Updater:11961[INFO] Background update not available
    Adobe AIR Updater:11961[INFO] begin quitting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] Starting app install of
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] beginning UI styling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] UI styling complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] Downloading file to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] Received HTTP Response Status
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] Response URL is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] Waiting for user confirmation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] User canceled
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] starting cleanup of temporary
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:23029[INFO] application installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Starting update of
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Updating from
    file:///home/rhack/.appdata/TweetDeckFast.FFF259DC0CE2657847BBB4AFF0E62062EFC56543.1/Local %20Store/%23ApplicationUpdater/update.air
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Updating to version 0.34.2
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] beginning UI styling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] UI styling complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Unpackaging to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] unpackaging/validation is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] application is bound to this
    version of the runtime
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] app id TweetDeckFast
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] pub id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Application located at /opt
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Waiting for user confirmation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] User confirmed action: install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] creating native installer in:
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] native installer creation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Starting install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] using conversion output in
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Beginning install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Error occurred; beginning
    rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false
    eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception Error: Only root can uninstall the
    application" errorID=0]
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Rollback due to error complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Only root can uninstall the application" errorID=0]
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] stateInstallingWithElevation:
    enter install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] stateInstallingWithElevation:
    /opt/Adobe AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime /opt
    -update -silent -logToStdout /opt/TweetDeck/bin/TweetDeck
    file:///home/rhack/.appdata/TweetDeckFast.FFF259DC0CE2657847BBB4AFF0E62062EFC56543.1/Local %20Store/%23ApplicationUpdater/update.air
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Starting update
    of /opt/TweetDeck/bin/TweetDeck
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Updating from
    file:///home/rhack/.appdata/TweetDeckFast.FFF259DC0CE2657847BBB4AFF0E62062EFC56543.1/Local %20Store/%23ApplicationUpdater/update.air
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Updating to
    version 0.34.2
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: UI SWF load is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Unpackaging to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller:
    unpackaging/validation is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: application is
    bound to this version of the runtime
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: app id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: pub id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Application
    located at /opt
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: creating native
    installer in: /tmp/FlashTmp.jM52wO
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: native installer
    creation complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Starting install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: using conversion
    output in /tmp/FlashTmp.jM52wO/setup.deb
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Beginning
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Uninstalling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Installing
    package ...
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Execution
    complete; beginning commit phase
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: Commit complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: starting cleanup
    of temporary files
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] subinstaller: application
    installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] received unknown message type
    from subinstaller: done
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] Re-launching application from
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] starting cleanup of temporary
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25697[INFO] application installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Updater:26430[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Updater:26430[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Updater:26430[INFO] Begin background update check
    Adobe AIR Updater:26430[INFO] Starting download from
    Adobe AIR Updater:26430[INFO] Background update not available
    Adobe AIR Updater:26430[INFO] begin quitting
    Adobe AIR Updater:26665[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Updater:26665[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Updater:26665[INFO] Begin background update check
    Adobe AIR Updater:26665[INFO] Starting download from
    Adobe AIR Updater:26665[INFO] Background update not available
    Adobe AIR Updater:26665[INFO] begin quitting
    Adobe AIR Updater:25048[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Updater:25048[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Updater:25048[INFO] Begin background update check
    Adobe AIR Updater:25048[INFO] Starting download from
    Adobe AIR Updater:25048[INFO] Background update successfully downloaded
    Adobe AIR Updater:25048[INFO] User notified of available background update
    Adobe AIR Updater:25048[INFO] User deferred installation of background
    Adobe AIR Updater:25048[INFO] begin quitting
    Adobe AIR Updater:24608[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Updater:24608[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Updater:24608[INFO] Running
    /home/rhack/.appdata/Adobe/AIR/Updater/Background/updater -update
    Adobe AIR Updater:24608[INFO] begin quitting
    setup:24616[INFO] Performing runtime update
    setup:24616[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    setup:24616[INFO] UI initialized
    setup:24616[INFO] starting user confirmation
    setup:24616[INFO] Version of this installer:
    setup:24616[INFO] Installed version:
    setup:24616[INFO] Installation type: patchNewer
    setup:24616[INFO] starting elevated install
    setup:24616[INFO] subinstaller: starting install
    setup:24616[INFO] subinstaller: Scheduling runtime installation operations
    setup:24616[INFO] subinstaller: Session detected: KDE
    setup:24616[INFO] subinstaller: error during install: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    installation." errorID=5025]
    setup:24616[INFO] Failed during elevated install: error 5025 Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    setup:24616[INFO] runtime install entering error state: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    installation." errorID=5025]
    setup:24616[INFO] begin quitting
    setup:24616[INFO] attempting launch of TweetDeck
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] Begin background update check
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] Starting download from
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] Background update successfully downloaded
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] User notified of available background update
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] User selected immediate install of
    background update
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] Running
    /home/rhack/.appdata/Adobe/AIR/Updater/Background/updater -update
    Adobe AIR Updater:24776[INFO] begin quitting
    setup:24843[INFO] Performing runtime update
    setup:24843[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    setup:24843[INFO] UI initialized
    setup:24843[INFO] starting user confirmation
    setup:24843[INFO] Version of this installer:
    setup:24843[INFO] Installed version:
    setup:24843[INFO] Installation type: patchNewer
    setup:24843[INFO] starting elevated install
    setup:24843[INFO] subinstaller: starting install
    setup:24843[INFO] subinstaller: Scheduling runtime installation operations
    setup:24843[INFO] subinstaller: Session detected: KDE
    setup:24843[INFO] subinstaller: error during install: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    installation." errorID=5025]
    setup:24843[INFO] Failed during elevated install: error 5025 Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    setup:24843[INFO] runtime install entering error state: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    installation." errorID=5025]
    setup:24843[INFO] begin quitting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Starting app install of
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] beginning UI styling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] UI styling complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Downloading file to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Received HTTP Response Status
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Response URL is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Waiting for user confirmation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] User confirmed action: install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] beginning UI styling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] UI styling complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Unpackaging to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] unpackaging/validation is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] application is bound to this
    version of the runtime
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] app id TweetDeckFast
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] pub id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Application located at /opt
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Waiting for user confirmation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] User confirmed action: install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] creating native installer in:
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] native installer creation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Starting install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] using conversion output in
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Beginning install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Error occurred; beginning
    rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false
    eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception Error: Only root can uninstall the
    application" errorID=0]
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Rollback due to error complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Only root can uninstall the application" errorID=0]
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] stateInstallingWithElevation:
    enter install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] stateInstallingWithElevation:
    /opt/Adobe AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime /opt
    -update -silent -logToStdout /opt/TweetDeck/bin/TweetDeck
    file:///tmp/FlashTmp.2ordvj 0.34.3
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Starting update
    of /opt/TweetDeck/bin/TweetDeck
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Updating from
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Updating to
    version 0.34.3
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: UI SWF load is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Unpackaging to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller:
    unpackaging/validation is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: application is
    bound to this version of the runtime
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: app id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: pub id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Application
    located at /opt
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: creating native
    installer in: /tmp/FlashTmp.XpHijL
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: native installer
    creation complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Starting install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: using conversion
    output in /tmp/FlashTmp.XpHijL/setup.deb
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Beginning
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Uninstalling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Installing
    package ...
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Execution
    complete; beginning commit phase
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: Commit complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: starting cleanup
    of temporary files
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] subinstaller: application
    installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] received unknown message type
    from subinstaller: done
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] Re-launching application from
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] starting cleanup of temporary
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:24904[INFO] application installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25644[INFO] waiting to receive open event
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25644[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25644[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25644[INFO] enter waitingForOpen
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25644[INFO] waitingForOpen canceled
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25644[INFO] starting cleanup of temporary
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:25644[INFO] application installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] Begin background update check
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] Starting download from
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] Background update successfully downloaded
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] User notified of available background update
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] User selected immediate install of
    background update
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] Running
    /home/rhack/.appdata/Adobe/AIR/Updater/Background/updater -update
    Adobe AIR Updater:19970[INFO] begin quitting
    setup:20022[INFO] Performing runtime update
    setup:20022[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    setup:20022[INFO] UI initialized
    setup:20022[INFO] starting user confirmation
    setup:20022[INFO] Version of this installer:
    setup:20022[INFO] Installed version:
    setup:20022[INFO] Installation type: patchNewer
    setup:20022[INFO] starting elevated install
    setup:20022[INFO] subinstaller: starting install
    setup:20022[INFO] subinstaller: Scheduling runtime installation operations
    setup:20022[INFO] subinstaller: Session detected: KDE
    setup:20022[INFO] subinstaller: error during install: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    installation." errorID=5025]
    setup:20022[INFO] Failed during elevated install: error 5025 Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    setup:20022[INFO] runtime install entering error state: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Unable to find kwallet/gnome-keyring... Aborting
    installation." errorID=5025]
    setup:20022[INFO] begin quitting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:20127[INFO] waiting to receive open event
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:20127[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:20127[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:20127[INFO] enter waitingForOpen
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:20127[INFO] waitingForOpen canceled
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:20127[INFO] starting cleanup of temporary
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:20127[INFO] application installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:32009[INFO] waiting to receive open event
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:32009[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:32009[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:32009[INFO] enter waitingForOpen
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:32009[INFO] waitingForOpen canceled
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:32009[INFO] starting cleanup of temporary
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:32009[INFO] application installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] waiting to receive open event
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] enter waitingForOpen
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] beginning UI styling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] UI styling complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] Unpackaging to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] unpackaging/validation is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] application is bound to this
    version of the runtime
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] app id TweetDeckFast
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] pub id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] Application not located
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] Waiting for user confirmation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] User canceled
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] starting cleanup of temporary
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2328[INFO] application installer exiting
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Starting app install of
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] UI SWF load is complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] UI initialized
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] beginning UI styling
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] UI styling complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Unpackaging to
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] unpackaging/validation is
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] application is bound to this
    version of the runtime
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] app id TweetDeckFast
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] pub id
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Application not located
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Waiting for user confirmation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] User confirmed action: install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] creating native installer in:
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] native installer creation
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Starting install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] using conversion output in
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Beginning install
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Error occurred; beginning
    rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false
    eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception Error: Only root can install the
    application" errorID=0]
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Rolling back install of the
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] Rollback due to error complete
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent
    type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled
    exception Error: Only root can install the application" errorID=0]
    Adobe AIR Application Installer:2508[INFO] stateInstallingWithElevation:
    enter install

  • Adobe air app integration with mac help

    Hi  all,
    I want to intergrate my help with adobe air app on mac(so that it should look like mac help). But i am not able to do so as we need to add entry in the file info.plist for doing it. Can anyone please guide me on this. I have downloaded several application but not able to find any application with help intergrated in it. Most of the sample apps don't have any help and the remaining apps send the link to their website for help.
    Any suggestion/ guidance in this regard would be great
    Thanks in advance

    Try redownloading the Adobe Help application from
    Hope that helps,
    AIR Engineering

  • Adobe Air App No Fonts [SOLVED]

    I installed lib32 adobe air and when I run my app I don't get any fonts. I just get square boxes. I read a few suggestion that are a little old, but am wondering if I am not setting a variable right or am missing something. I think from the error message that I am getting it is trying to read pango64 instead of pango32.
    (adl:7308): Pango-WARNING **: /usr/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
    How do I set it so adobe air apps look for the correct lib32 pango?
    Last edited by cu3edweb (2009-04-04 19:42:14)

    Nevermind I found this thread that did it.

  • How to fix sound delay in adobe air apps?

    I am working on this drummer game where the user has to repeat what he listens by tapping on the thouchscreen, but there´s a noticeable delay on Android and iOS. The same game I had it working fine on AS2 for PCs. I don´t know whats the problem in adobe air apps. I hoe someone can help me.

    Unfortunately, I do not own an iOS device and from my understanding, you have to have a developer account just to be able to test apps on your device, even if you have no intention of ever publishing something on the store. Correct me if Im wrong on that, but everything I have seen is that the only way to test apps without a developer account is to have a jailbroken device.
    I have been building an audiobook player on and off for a while now and tested it on a Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, and Nexus 5 in addition to my Moto X. None of those ever experienced any noticeable delays in playback. That is why I was wondering if it is a per device issue. Or it could be that I have just always used vanilla (or extremely close to it) Google Android devices. I understand that the devices I have tested with are most likely in a very low percentage of active devices used aside from the Moto X. I was basically just wanting to jump in to provide my notes on the issue, the device I tested with, and my experience.

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  • 10.5.3 Outgoing Mail Issue

    Greetings, I recently updated to 10.5.3. Right after this was done I began experiencing issues with sending and receiving email. The error returned is as follows: Cannot send message using the server X. Verify that you have addressed this message cor

  • Feathers TextInput with AIR 3.9

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  • Color-overlay on gradient in Illustrator CS 5.1

    Is there a way to, as in Photoshop's effects gallery, create a color-overlay on an already-done gradient in Illustrator CS 5.1? I've already done the gradient and I have my color, but can't quite make it work. Does someone know the answer, or are the