Adobe 3D Reviewer: "renaming"doesn't work!

I'm an applied scientist doing numerical modeling and visualization. In the research group we used Acrobat 3D as a better way to communicate with colleagues and our clients. I just downloaded the trial version of Acrobat 9 Pro extended and had to uninstall Acrobat 3D.
I use Acrobat to export vtk files (visualized in Mayavi2) in 3D pdf.
Once the 3D pdf is created, I'd like to rename the different layers or entities in the 3D reviewer (as I was doing in Acrobat 3D with 3D toolkit). So I use the 'rename' option, enter a new name, and try to 'save back in pdf'.. unfortunately it doesn't work. The layers are not renamed in the pdf file.
Furthermore, if I check the properties of a layer or entity in 3D reviewer, its name hasn't change either.
Does anyone had encounter this problem before or has any idea on how to fix it?

- [Rocket Jay]:
Thanks for your answer.
In order to rename an entity, I "Right-click the entity in the Model Tree and choose Rename.
Type a name, and press Enter. "
Unfortunately the new name isn't exported back to the pdf file when I 'save back in pdf'.
Just to be sure, once you rename an entity by right-clicking, typing and pressing enter, check in the entity properties if the name as been updated. In my case, it has been updated.
- [pierre tager]:
renaming and saving back to pdf was working well with Acrobat 3D, I'm surprise this 'updated' version can't!
This feature was particularly useful for scientific modelling. Indeed, when you have to deal with a large number of units and properties within a model, you absolutely need to know what you're visualizing using the model tree.
Is there any chance that this feature will be updated in the product?

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    Hi again.
    I found where the problem was (at least in my case).
    To go to the point: go in the "properties" of your flex project. In the menu, go in "Flex Build Path" and then in "Library Path". Then, the option "Framework linkage" is with the default value in a new flex project.
    So here is the trick : with Flex 3 (so Adobe Drive 3), the default value is "merged into code".  Bug in the Flex 4 (so Adobe Drive 5), the default value is "Runtime Shared Library".
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    I discovered this problem running the Custom UI from the windows explorer (not with Bridge) and using the Flash Player Debug version, and watching the error log files of the Flash Player.
    So in the end, when I checked "merged into code" in the Framework Linkage option, all my dependencies of my flex module were merged into my final module swf, and no more flash crash.
    Sorry for my bad english and hope it helped.
    (edit : screenshot at )

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    see above

    What is your operating system & version?
    What is your web browser?
    You downloaded Flash Player, but did you also install it?
    What exactly means "doesn't work/run"?

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    Regards, Arie de Jong, Rotterdam

    Hi Jim,
    Thank you very much for the suggestions for a solution. First I considered
    re-installing Win 7 Pro, because I did not have a fall-back point
    predefined. So I could not try to reload a previous system environment. But
    for your information the following.
    Yesterday my son suggested that there could be some corruption in a control
    file of Adobe Media Encoder, because re-installing that program did not
    give a solution. Obviously that then would have to be a file which is not
    affected by a program re-install.
    What he then did for me is to remove directory
    Users\owner\ AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder    (he actually
    renamed it to hide that directory for Media Encoder).
    Thereafter we ran program Media Encoder from Premiere. The result was that
    a new directory ......\ Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder with proper
    control files was automatically generated and the problem was solved.
    Regards from Arie de Jong

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    I just fixed this problem on an old PC of mine. The problem looks like it is caused by the Adobe Updater stuffing up when you do actually need an update. To fix:
    1. Close any Adobe applications
    2. Open Task Manager (you may need to check the "Show processes from all users")
    3. Highlight and hit End Process for anything called AdobeUpdater.exe and AdobeARM.exe, confirm you definitely want to terminate the process.
    4. Open an Adobe program
    5. Check for updates from within the program.
    Once I did this it downloaded and installed the update fine. The next time I rebooted and got the correct screen where I can set preferences to only check once a week and it all seems to work fine now.
    (I only use Adobe Reader but I'm guessing as the symptoms are exactly the same the answer is likely to be exactly the same, maybe if you have multiple apps installed you may need to do the check from every app until you find the one with the stuck update).
    Hope this helps others as I've not seen anyone post a fix even though this has been around since at least 2009!

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    Hi everyone,
    You must allow this patch from Open Directory.
    Applications/ Utilies/ Adobe Application Manager/ P6/ adobe_licutil
    Applications/ Utilies/ Adobe Application Manager/
    I have tried and worked.
    Best Regards

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    Premiere Elements 13 on Windows 8.1 64 bit.
    How far do you get into Premiere Elements 13....Can you Sign In and see the Welcome Screen and/or one of the workspaces?
    a. Do you import source media into the Premiere Elements Editor, and the program freezes and crashes when you try to do that
    (if so, what are the properties of your source media?)
    b. Is it that you cannot import any file into the Premiere Elements Editor- you cannot get beyond Video and New Project in the Welcome Screen
    c. Is it that you can import source media into the Premiere Elements Editor, you start to edit the source media on the Timeline, then the program freezes or crashes
    (if this is the case, what are you doing in the Timeline when this happens?)
    Above I have taken for granted that you are importing into the Premiere Elements Editor with one of the Add Media choices like Files and Folders. Are you instead importing into Elements Organizer 13 and trying to switch from there to the Premiere Elements workspace for video editing?
    For whatever is happening, are there any error messages associated with the event? Have you checked the Computer/Manage/Event Viewer/Windows Logs and its Applications for error or warning messages?
    Bottom line, please supply more details so that we can plan troubleshooting strategy for your issue.
    Thank you.

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    This problem has been fixed with Elements 13 as you can setup your yahoo/gmail or other service providers' id with Elements and then send email using that email id. You can download Elements 13 trial and try that feature once.

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    Thank you very much for your help

    Here is the English translation of your previous post -
    Hello Maximilian,
    I got a even looked at my provider. Usually there must pay the original domain for the agreed period and agree a new. However, they show a accommodating for so short "duration" of a few hours like you. Try to contact your ISP phone support.
    Anyhow, I think you have covered the options!

Maybe you are looking for

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