ADF page requery upon initiating/entering page

I am using JDeveloper and have a page with a calculate with parameters table. It uses session variables in the parameters. How do I get the page to immediately requery when one changes from another page to mine. The other page is setting/changing the session variables, but currently I have to click on my execute with parameters button to get the correct information to show in the table. I tried changing the table content delivery to immediate, but this did not have the desired effect.
Edited by: Hoopestr on May 17, 2011 8:16 AM

Thanks for responding, but drag and drop it where? I tried it on my page with no effect. I have multiple pages with af:commandLinks to send a user to my page. Perhaps I have things set up wrong, but these pages are all on an unbounded task flow--all tied to some security that someone else wrote. It seems that somehow I should be able to independently and immediately execute the set of queries to build my treetable from with the fresh session variables.
Edited by: Hoopestr on May 17, 2011 8:16 AM

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    Hi ,
    Please check following thread on forum -
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    hi bala
    Maybe you can use the example code in that I have recently posted in Re: ADF Faces: on page refresh, property is null. Why?, to work with together with the documentation.
    It has been created using JDeveloper, so I'm not sure how it translates back to JDeveloper 10.1.2 you refer to.
    Jan Vervecken

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    If you use ADF BC, open the entity and choose "Business Rules". You can then add validation rules such as range limits under the attributes. It is usually best practice to include validation rules in the entity (model layer), this way they apply automatically to all view objects based on the entity and you are guaranteed to have only valid values in the database. (View layer validation may have its place as a convenience supplement.)
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    Another way would be to update Your Credential Store.Using wlst, you can use something like:
    wls:/DefaultDomain/serverConfig> createCred(map="",key="basic.credentials", user="USERNAME", password="PASSWORD", desc="User credentials key")
    This adds the key basic.credentials to the map with the username as "USERNAME". This entry will be stored inside <your domain>/config/fmwconfig/cwallet.sso.

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    <af:selectManyCheckbox id="letterSelectMany" value="#{giqdBackingBean.selectedBeneficiariesForPdf}"
    autoSubmit="true" clientComponent="true">
    <af:forEach var="bene" items="#{giqdBackingBean.eligibleBeneficiaries}">
    <af:selectItem id="letterBeneSelect" label="#{bene.firstLastName} (#{bene.associationReason})" value="#{bene}"/>
    </af:forEach> />
    Here is the javascript:
    <af:resource type="javascript">
    window.setTimeout(init,3000); // i was having trouble with onload for some reason but this seems to work for the moment
    function init() {
    var boxes=document.getElementById(AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('letterSelectMany').getClientId()); // this results in a null currently
    for (var i=0;i < boxes.length;i++) {
    if(boxes.addEventListener) {
    boxes.addEventListener("click",checkBoxValidator,false); // one of these is for older versions of IE and the other is for other chrome/mozilla etc. but i forget which is which
    else if (boxes.attachEvent) {
    boxes.attachEvent("onclick", checkBoxValidator);
    function checkBoxValidator() {
    var boxes=document.getElementById(AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('letterSelectMany').getClientId());
    var checkedBoxes = 0;
    for (var i=0;i < boxes.length;i++) {
    if(boxes.tagName == "INPUT" && boxes.checked) {
    if(checkedBoxes >= 7) {
    for (var j=0;j < boxes.length;j++) {
    if(boxes[j].tagName == "INPUT" && ! boxes[j].checked) {
    boxes[j].disabled = true;
    else {
    for (var k=0;k < boxes.length;k++) {
    if(boxes[k].tagName == "INPUT" && ! boxes[k].checked) {
    boxes[k].disabled = false;
    So there you have it. Pretty simple stuff but I've been struggling to get it to reference the checkbox component in javascript. I had been using, var boxes= document.getElementsByName("r1:0:letterSelectMany"); , which worked just fine on my server but it doesn't work on other servers. Thanks for any input.
    PS: I had initially replied to relevant thread but I thought it was more appropriate and hopefully will get more attention as its own thread.
    Edited by: 976856 on Dec 13, 2012 2:45 PM

    var boxes=document.getElementById(AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('letterSelectMany').getClientId());
    This assumes that the selectMany component is part of the form component with no additional naming container (e.g. pageTemplate, region, etc. involved). If you have a naming container between then the ID needs to be added upfront (note that the client ID actually returns the full ID string including the naming container). So check for naming containers and correct the ID
    Ps.: The use of document.getElementById is not recommended and considered bad coding practice in ADF Faces. Just wanted to make sure someone mentioned this to you

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        public void showFile(BlobDomain  b,String filename){
            FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); 
            HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)fc.getExternalContext().getResponse();
            response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=\""+filename+"\"");
            response.setHeader("cache-control", "no-cache");
            try {
                InputStream in;
                in = b.getInputStream();
                ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
                writeInputStreamToOutputStream(in, out);
            } catch (IOException e) {
            } catch (Throwable e) {
        }This works for the first time a file is opened. But when the user then selects a different row nothing is happening anymore.
    What can that be?

    Hi Simon,
    This is the button:
                      <af:commandButton text="Open file"
                                        action="#{backingBeanScope.backing_pages_Meldingen.openFile}"/>this is openfile:
        public String openFile() {
            BindingContainer bindings = this.getBindings();
            DCIteratorBinding iter = (DCIteratorBinding)bindings.get("XxahelpBezoekRapDocView1Iterator");
            Row currentRw = iter.getCurrentRow();
            return null;
        }And how can I download in a popup??

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    Also please read this for another view of the same problem:
    Security of Web Services, Agents and Sequantial Calling of Web Services
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    I really appreciate any comments and hints.
    Best Regards,

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    I had the same problem with a return listener on a commandmenuitem. The navigation doesn't work because there is no partial submit.
    The workaround is to construct a menu item from a commandlink and objectimage. It looks and works the same as the commandmenuitem but you can set partialsubmit=true.
    For example:
    <af:panelGroup layout="vertical">
    <af:objectSpacer width="10" height="10"/>
    <af:commandLink id="linkButIcon" useWindow="true"
    <af:objectImage source="/images/link.gif"/>
    <af:commandLink id="linkButLink"

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    If this is possible, how authentication/security works between ADF and OAF. Is the user which as logged into ADF will authenticate in OAF Page also ? How it works ??
    Thanks in advance.

    Hope following useful
    ADF Call from OAF

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    We have achieved session sharing and launching the Custom ADF app from EBS menu. The problem is, the Custom ADF page opens in the same page.
    Is there anyway to open the ADF application in new tab or window while launching from EBS Menu ? 
    Highly appreciate your help on this.

    Refer old threads by searching for "new window" / "_blank"
    - Senthil

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    I have two programmatic VOs namely Plan and Model. Even though functionally there is a Master/Detail (Plan --> Model) relationship between them, we are not creating any View Link as they are programmatic VOs. Requirement is to show this master/detail data as tree in the ADF page. Any pointer on how to achieve this?
    Edited by: user766455 on Jan 3, 2012 10:34 AM

    My question is not related Traversing Tree... my question is how to create Tree in the ADF page using programmatic VOs, which don't have master and details View Link.

  • Creating a adf page based on webservice data control

    i am using latest version of jdev 11g from otn.
    i created a VO based on EO and define a view criteria as well. i added that to a AM and exposed it as web service and deployed to a wls server.
    now i wish to created a adf page based on it so i created a ws data control based on the wsdl.
    in the data control section now i see service as findSearchOrder. When i try to drop it on the page it created a adf form with two input boxes findControl and findCriteria.
    So, I am not able to understand how exactly these are going to map to the actual search parameters?
    Please advise

    If you want to retrieve all records, you can set them to null.
    But of course, it depends on what you want to archive (I suppose you want a search form?).
    Please give us your complete JDev version. (Help > About > About tab)

  • Is this a bug for using DIV tag in adf page?

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    <div id="ex"></div>
    <othertags>123</othertags>Then the code in randered page :
    <div id="ex">
    </div>Bug ?
    Edited by: Derek.Jaa on 2010-4-21 上午4:00

    Hi Simon
    Thanks for you help and I can't see the tag you suggested. Maybe you should make you code between tag, replace the [] with {} .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Maybe you are looking for

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