According Too  C.R. The Maxx on Verizon Was Rated one of the Best.!

I just received my Aug. Consumer Reports and according to there Test the Maxx was Rated as one of the Best To see there Report Look in the Mail if you get the Magazine or have a Look on there Web Site..

I try to convince alot of people to buy the RAZR MAXX just because of the battery life and the amazing 4g speed it has. 299$ is alot to pay for a phone yes, but you're buying the phone for two years, which means you don't need to buy another phone for another 2 years, that's  12$ a month, plus service on it of course. I do agree though, best phone on market We can't even Manager approve those phones still they're still hot!

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  • What's the best way to (re)install Logic Studio? Need Help.

    I bought Logic Studio a few months ago and installed it on my new MacBook Pro 2.4Ghz with 2G Ram, 160G hard drive @ 7200 rpm. Being new to Logic, at install, I just put all 40+ gigs of content on the computer. After a while I considered putting the Apple Loops (roughly 12gigs) onto an external hard drive to save space on my computer, just to see if it would work, then consider moving more content over later. After doing this the Logic application couldn't find the Apple Loops, and I couldn't find a way to help it see the new path, so my Apple Loops were essentially rendered useless (since I had already deleted them from the computer). So I stopped right there, and haven't done anything else. Just worked with Logic without using Loops, which I have to say is still an incredible program.
    What also seemed strange was this: In moving the Apple Loops, the available disk space on the computer didn't seem to change much. It went down a few gigs, but not the 12 or so I was expecting. Not sure why that is. It seems like Logic and all the content is actually taking up around 50 gigs or so on my computer (and the Apple Loops are supposedly gone or not available). What is that about?
    Feeling like I had really fouled things up, I called Apple Care. They said that the content of Logic is stored in many places in the computer's libraries and system folders, but it was really confusing trying to locate all of it, because the info they sent was from Logic 7 and older versions of GarageBand. I guess Logic 8 is too new for them to have anything on it. There is no uninstall for Logic Studio. But they strongly recommended that I perform an Erase and Install, and then re-install all my software including Logic, and then assign the hard drive I wanted the content in. That would open up a lot of the computer's hard drive space, they said. It seemed like an extreme measure to take for such a small blunder, and I haven't tried it yet, but will if it's the best option.
    If I do this, is running Logic content (i.e. Loops, Impulse Responses, Jam Packs, etc.) from an external hard drive (and the one I have to use is 5400rpm--is that too slow or am I getting too picky?) the best way to go, or should I have all Logic material coming from the same machine? How do I get some of my hard drive space back?
    Has anyone out there experienced this too? Is there anything documented about where the content is stored for Logic Studio? Is Erase and Install really the best thing to do in this situation?
    So many questions...

    Hey Blue,
    Let me see if I can help you a bit.
    Logic Studio has 28+ gb of loops. Almost 23 for STP and 6 for the Jam Packs, etc. They should be located in /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple (that's the default install loc.). Copy them to an external drive and then delete them from your main drive. Go to /Library/Audio/Apple Loops Indexes and delete those text files. Now go to /Library/Preferences/Soundtrack Pro and delete those text files, too (more Loop Indexes).
    Now open Logic Pro and it will say 'No Apple Loops found'. Click 'OK' and then open your Loop Browser. Drag all the Jam Pack folders, STP folder, etc. that you want to use onto the Loop Browser. Logic will ask you if you want to 'Copy to Loops Folder' or 'Current Location'. Choose 'Current Location'. Logic will now index the loop folders.
    NOTE: You can change the names of the folders to suit your liking. For example: I added the 2, 3, 4, 5 after the Jam Pack names to make it look smoother on the popup menu and changed iLife Sound Effects to Sound Effects - iLife and Apple Loops for STP to STP. Now the Jam Packs 1-5 come up first on the popup menu and the FX stay at the bottom. I likee!!
    Now, if you like you can take your EXS Factory Samples and Ultrabeat Samples, 3.35 & .889 gb respectively, and copy them to an external drive. I have mine in the same place as my Jam Packs, etc. You can find these files in /Library/Application Support/Logic. Toss out the originals and put ALIASES from the external drive back into the /Lib/App Sup/Logic folder.
    Also, if you open STP and click the Search tab in the right pane you will see a button that says 'Setup' next to it. Click that and you can use the checkboxes in the window to activate/deactivate any of the loop folders available.
    A clean install is the best IMO if you have a little time because a) you DO NOT have to install GB at all (that saves the .aif file size - Logic Studio uses .caf files at half the size of the originals) b) Logic Studio will install the extra GB or Logic 7 content if you need it at it's reduced size. It will basically get rid of all the old clutter that you do not need. Only install what JP's you want and move the bigger stuff to an external.
    Rock up Logic and it should all be in place. That procedure saved me 32.5 gb on my main drive.
    NOTE #2: You have another 12 gb (if you installed all Jam Packs) that reside in the /Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Instrument Library/Sampler. These are the Jam Pack Instruments & Sampler files for World, Symphony, etc. They cannot be moved from the startup HD (as far as I can tell). So keep that in mind if you don't want a certain JP.
    Hope that helps,

  • SharePoint 2010, Visual Studio 2010, Packaging a solution - The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

    I have a solution that used to contain one SharePoint 2010 project. The project is named along the following lines:
    <Company>.<Product>.SharePoint - let's call it Project1 for future reference. It contains a number of features which have been named according
    to their purpose, some are reasonably long and the paths fairly deep. As far as I am concerned we are using sensible namespaces and these reflect our company policy of "doing things properly".
    I first encountered the following error message when packaging the aforementioned SharePoint project into a wsp:
    "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters."
    I went through a great deal of pain in trying to rename the project, shorten feature names and namespaces etc... until I got it working. I then went about gradually
    renaming everything until eventually I had what I started with, and it all worked. So I was none the wiser...not ideal, but I needed to get on and had tight delivery timelines.
    Recently we wanted to add another SharePoint project so that we could move some of our core functinality out into a separate SharePoint solution - e.g. custom workflow
    error logging. So we created another project in Visual Studio called:
    <Company>.<Product>.SharePoint.<Subsystem> - let's call it Project2 for future reference
    And this is when the error has come back and bitten me! The scenario is now as follows:
    1. project1 packages and deploys successfully with long feature names and deep paths.
    2. project2 does not package and has no features in it at all. The project2 name is 13 characters longer than project1
    I am convinced this is a bug with Visual Studio and/or the Package MSBuild target. Why? Let me explain my findings so far:
    1. By doing the following I can get project2 to package
    In Visual Studio 2010 show all files of project2, delete the obj, bin, pkg, pkgobj folders.
    Clean the solution
    Shut down Visual Studio 2010
    Open Visual Studio 2010
    Rebuild the solution
    Package the project2
    et voila the package is generated!
    This demonstrates that the package error message is in fact inaccurate and that it can create the package, it just needs a little help, since Visual Studio seems to
    no longer be hanging onto something.
    Clearly this is fine for a small time project, but try doing this in an environment where we use Continuous Integration, Unit Testing and automatic deployment of SharePoint
    solutions on a Build Server using automated builds.
    2. I have created another project3 which has a ludicrously long name, this packages fine and also has no features contained within it.
    3. I have looked at the length of the path under the pkg folder for project1 and it is large in comparison to the one that is generated for project2, that is when it
    does successfully package using the method outlined in 1. above. This is strange since project1 packages and project2 does not.
    4. If I attempt to add project2 to my command line build using MSBuild then it fails to package and when I then open up Visual Studio and attempt to package project2
    from the Visual Studio UI then it fails with the path too long error message, until I go through the steps outlined in 1. above to get it to package.
    5. DebugView shows nothing useful during the build and packaging of the project.
    6. The error seems to occur in
    CreateSharePointProjectService target called at line 365 of
    Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.targetsCurrently I am at a loss to work out why this is happening? My next task is to delete
    project2 completely and recreate it and introduce it into my Visual Studio solution.
    Microsoft, can you confirm whether this is a known issue and whether others have encountered this issue? Is it resolved in a hotfix?
    Anybody else, can you confirm whether you have come up with a solution to this issue? When I mean a solution I mean one that does not mean that I have to rename my namespaces,
    project etc... and is actually workable in a meaningful Visual Studio solution.

    Yes, I thought I had fixed this my moving my solution from the usual documents  to
    This builds ok, but when I come to package I get the lovely error:
    Error 2 The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. C:\VS2010\ProjectsOverflow\DetailedProjectTimeline\VisualDetailedProjectTimelineWebPart\Features\Feature1\Feature1.feature VisualDetailedProjectTimeline
    Now, the error seems to be related to 
    Can anyone suggest what might be causing this. Probably some path in an XML file somewhere. Here is my prime suspect!
    <type name="VisualDetailedProjectTimelineWebPart.VisualProjectTimelineWebPart.VisualProjectTimeline, $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$" />
    <property name="Title" type="string">VisualProjectTimelineWebPart</property>
    <property name="Description" type="string">My Visual WebPart</property>
    .... Unless I can solve this I will have to remove the project and recreate but with simple paths. Tho I will be none the wiser if I come across this again.

  • Cant send mms messages. I get the error message:  "one or more of the message components have been delted by MMS Adaptation.  Either the message was too large or the components were unsuitable for your handset".  This only seems to be an issue to iphones.

    I cant send pic messages to iphone users. I get the error message:  "one or more of the message components have been delted by MMS Adaptation.  Either the message was too large or the components were unsuitable for your handset".  This only seems to be an issue to iphones.  I like this phone but have had nothing but trouble since day one.  I am so tired of being on the phone with verizon and still not getting all the problems corrected.  Someone please help!

    Hello christina267,
    Help is right here, front and center! Let's get your mms working properly. May I ask are you using the original stock messaging app to send texts and mms? Also, are you using any special characters or emojis in your message? Since you state that the issue is to iPhones, did you happen to have used an iPhone on your mobile number just before you were using the Galasy S 5? As you share the details then we can investigate.
    Thank you… 
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • I am U.S. iPhone 4S user traveling in China.  Data speed is too slow to be usable.  Verizon says that it because iPhone 4S connects to strongest signal even if slowest.  Any work arounds for this design flaw?

    I am U.S. iPhone 4S owner traveling in China.  Data speed is too slow to be usable.  Verizon says that is because iPhone 4S connects to strongest signal, even if slowest (virtually non-existent) data network.  Does anyone know how to work around this design flaw?

    I spent 2 months in china with my old iphone 3gs.  Both China Unicomm and China Mobile were accessible through my US phone.  (for you other users, yes my phone bill was sky high, but it's a small price to pay when you get instant access to your wife while you are gone... and to be able to use the google translate app).  I had a GSM phone (obviously) and had the ability to choose what carrier I wanted my phone to connect to (the same thing was available when I was in italy as well). 
    it was under
    general-> network> then there was a new field (that does not normally show up when in the US) that listed the available networks to connect to.  my phone always attempted china unicomm first, and switched to china mobile only when unicomm was unavailible. 
    but if wjosten is correct (and i imagine he is), cdma phones may not be able to choose what network to connect to. 

  • Sometimes my computer takes too long to connect to new website. I am running a pretty powerful work program at same time, what is the best solution? Upgrading speed from cable network, is it a hard drive issue? do I need to "clean out" the computer?

    Many times my computer takes too long to connect to new website. I have wireless internet (time capsule) and I am running a pretty powerful real time financial work program at same time, what is the best solution? Upgrading speed from cable network? is it a hard drive issue? do I only need to "clean out" the computer? Or all of the above...not to computer saavy.  It is a Macbook Pro  osx 10.6.8 (late 2010).

    Almost certainly none of the above!  Try each of the following in this order:
    Select 'Reset Safari' from the Safari menu.
    Close down Safari;  move <home>/Library/Caches/ to the trash; restart Safari.
    Change the DNS servers in your network settings to use the OpenDNS servers: and
    Turn off DNS pre-fetching by entering the following command in Terminal and restarting Safari:
              defaults write WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled -boolean false

  • I have a 500 GB hard drive and a 1TB Time Capsule running on a MacBook Pro.  It was all working well until the MacBook went in for a repair a week or so ago.  Since then, TC will not perform a backup;  instead, it says the backup is too large for the disk

    Since having my MacBook Pro repaired (for a video problem) Time Capsule returns the following message:  "This backup is too large for the backup disk. The backup requires 428.08 GB but only 192.14 GB are available."
    I notice that there is also a new sparse bundle.
    Since TC has my ONLY backup (going back about 4 years) I am reluctant to wipe it and start over fresh as I am afraid of losing files. 
    Is there a way of dealing with this?
    I am using Snow Leopard 10.6.8

    The repair shop likely replaced a major circuit board on your MacBook Pro, so Time Machine thinks that you have a "new" computer and it wants to make a new complete backup of your Mac.
    You are going to have to make a decision to either add another new Time Capsule....or USB drive to your existing Time Capsule....and in effect start over with a new backup of your Mac and then move forward again.
    For "most" users, I think this is probably the best plan because you preserve all your old backups in case you need them at some point, and you start over again with a new Time Capsule so you have plenty of room for years of new backups.
    Or, as you have mentioned, you have the option of erasing the Time Capsule drive and starting all over again. The upside is that you start over and have plenty of room for new backups. The downside is that you lose years of backups.
    Another option....trying to manually delete old backups tricky business....and very time consuming. To get an idea of what is involved here, study this FAQ by Pondini, our resident Time Capsule and Time Machine expert on the Community Support area. In particular, study the pink box.
    Once you look through this, I think you may agree that this type of surgery is not for the faint of heart.  I would suggest that you consider this only if one of the other options just cannot work for you.

  • Page header plus page footer too large for the page in crystal report 2008.

    when we selecting pieview and print after entering paramter it's showing error: page header plus page footer too large for the page. error in File.rpt page header or page footer loanger than page. and it's not showing print layout format if i connect another printer it's showing layout designe. and some times it's showing letter formate and if i give print it's taking default lamdscape but we setup defual setup for printer 10*12 inches in particular printer.please guide me how we can solve this issues.

    This is a really hard post to read. See if you can take a bit of time to reword it, but one thing I do understand is that you are getting this error:
    page header plus page footer too large for the page.
    Typically, you can trust that if the error is thrown, it is true. E.g.; this is not one of those errors that says one thing, and means another. I suspect that you have some field(s) in the header(s) that grow, depending on the data. If there is too much data or the data is too long ( a text for example), the error will be thrown. To resolve this, see if placing the field(s) into a group footer / header will help.

  • When I open my iPad the page is too big for the screen and won't shrink down. The keypad has also become very 'sticky'

    Recently when I open any apps the pages are too big for the screen. They shrink when pinched but immediately become bigger again. It's very difficult to scroll too. The keypad has become very sticky. Missing letters and spaces when I type and needing to tap the keys much harder than usual

    I have the exact same problem, I think.  I was on my iPad 3's home page swiping R-L to locate a certain icon when all of a sudden the screen appeared to get HUGE.  So big I could only see one or two icons.  I couldn't even turn it off to try a reboot because after I pushed the sleep/wake button, I couldn't find the red slide bar.  I finally just had to wait for the battery to die, then recharge it, and it looked normal again.  I also spoke with several friends who haven either iPads or iPhones, and they've all had this happen to them.  I checked my accessibility settings, and Zoom was already off.  So what is causing this problem for so many people, and what can we do to prevent it?  Please help.

  • Week Cal HD app removed from App Store because it is too similar to the build in calendar - what is your take?

    Apple apparently removed the Week Cal HD app from the App Store becuase it is too similar to the build in calendar app. I loved that app and am really annoyed that Apple removes an app I paid for, thus making it impossible for the developer to post an update that would allow it to work under OS5. I just posted this email below to their support but would love to hear what others are thinking about this issue and hopefully enough people raise their voice to get apple to allow the app back into the store. Here is my email to customer support. I will post also any reply I get Apple:
    Customer Support,
    I have purchased Week Cal HD a while back via the App Store. This app stopped working after I upgraded to OS5 and I have been waiting for a new version that supports it. Since no update was posted until now I contacted the developer and have been informed that Apple has removed the app from the app store, claiming it has too many similarities with the build in calendar application.
    I find this very unfortunate as the app as a few key features the build in calender application doesn't have (ability to set first day of the week to Monday, better looking UI). I actually find it deeply troubeling that Apple decides to effectively take away an app a customer has purchased through Apple. I find the argument that it has been removed because it is too similar to the build in calendar highly disingenious as a) this was already the case when Apple first sold it through the app store and b) it doesn't harm Apple's business as the build in calendar app is an OS feature and not a separate revenue stream. So what if it is similar? It does something the build in software doesn't and I paid to access this software knowing that it is a product that provides similar funcitonality. Quiet frankly I loved Week Cal HD because of these subtle differences and I cringe every time I now have to use the build in calendar (I find it unbelieveable that a company with the design ethos of Apple, that is capable of developing such stunning modern hardware, creates a calendar app that is so inflexible and has a UI that is in such bad taste - do you really think I want a simulated paper feel on my futuristic IPad?).
    I very much encourage you to allow the sale of Week Cal HD through the App store again or provide me with a reason why Apple decided to effectively take away a software I paid for?
    PS: If this is the wrong contact optinos for this complaint please let me know where to direct it otherwise."

    You might find this interesting
    And i think with further digging you will discover that the developer has had a revised app for many many months ready but its been blocked by apple. Also these similar features that are causing the fuss first existed on week cal hd, not the other way around, sovthis is just usual apple style, and its a bigger shame that they could not even exucute it properly, instead we are stuck withva calendar that cant be used for business unless all you want to do is keep track of birthdays and your lunch breaks ....

  • How can I put my recently purchased iTunes movies on to my thumb drive and WD My Passport external hard drive. My Mac keeps saying "can't be copy because it is too large for the volumes format

    How can I put my recently purchased iTunes movies onto my thumb drive and WD my passport external hard drive.My Mac is saying that can't be copied because it is too large for volumes format

    [file] is too large for the volumes format
    That is usually an indication that the Volume was never Erased or Partitioned for GUID partition table and Mac OS, and is still in a Windows format.
    Mac OS X Extended (journaled) has no such file-size limitations

  • Is it possible to change the Calendar 7.0 view to show 2 weeks instead of 1 week or month view. I find the month view is far too messy and the 1 week too short. To date I found the previous version more visibly user friendly

    I have upgraded to Mavericks and have found the Calendar 7.0 not visually user friendly. The week view is too resrictive and the month view far too messy. Is there any way of editting the view, the ability to change the colour and thickness of the grid lines would at least help. This version of Calendar seems to be a retrograde step.

    Agree.  Positively loathe the new calendar display - each day blends into the next and I can't get my information at a glance.  Looks like it's time to switch to BusyCal or Google Calendar.

  • All of a sudden the screen on my iMac 10,1 is too small for the image. Can't figure out how to reduce the size of the Finder or any of the Apps.

    All of a sudden the screen is too small for the image. Hard to explain, but in order to see the entire Finder window, I must scroll the image up/down, left/right.
    It's not just the Finder though, all of the apps are affected this way too.
    It's probably got something to do with the fact that I have an HDMI cable running from the Mac to a Vizio 42" TV. It's been running this way just fine for over two months though.
    Any ideas?

    You probably accidently zoomed the screen.  Hold down CNTL while scrolling down with the mouse or trackpad to unzoom.  Cntl - scroll up to zoom.

  • My mac will not copy more than one file at a time and gets locked up if the file is too large, my mac will not copy more than one file at a time and gets locked up if the file is too large

    my mac will not copy more than one file at a time and gets locked up if the file is too large, my mac will not copy more than one file at a time and gets locked up if the file is too large

    So now that you have repeated the same thing three times that doesn't make things any clearer at all.
    You are copying files from where to where?
    How are you attempting to copy files, software or click and drag?
    Any other detail would be helpful.

  • HP Laserjet M1132 MFP is too slow over the network!

    My HP Laserjet M1132 MFP is too slow over the network!
    I have connect the printer to a windows XP 32bit SP3 using UBS port. The printer works fine on the local computer but when sharing it over the network it works too slow, for example with print test page it takes about 45 seconds to print and for other documents it takes much longer time.
    I have installed the latest driver form HP website and upgrade the firmware it the latest version.
    It happens on other Windows XP machines as well.
    I connected the printer to my laptop (Windows 7 64bit) and it works fine (No delays over the network) and it seems that this problem have some relations with the windows XP Driver.
    I have used local port trick on remote machines (instead of regular method) like this:
    ''add a local printer;
    'new port'
    \\XPcomputer\HPPrinterName as port name
    but still nothing!
    There is nothing wrong with the network, we use to use a Samsung printer on the same machines over the network with no problem.
    I Really appreciate your HELP!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    BEHZAD_T, how is the printer connected to the network (wireless or Ethernet)? If it is slow wirelessly, I would suggest trying to connect the printer to your router with the Ethernet cord and install it to the networked computer that way.
    Another question is, relatively speaking, how close to your router are the Samsung printer and the HP printer? Depending on the distance (and what stands between the devices) there can be a lag between sending a print job and it being received by the printer.
    Let me know!

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