2006 iPod Updater

Does anyone besides myself have problems with downloading the 1.1 updater? I know there's problems with it, but I can't even dowload it. Does anyone else have this problem and can someone tell me how to fix this problem? I have the 30GB Video iPod, by the way.

Do Not Download the new Jan 10th ipod updater... Apple has some explaining to do and so far every post I've read says that apple says to just do the 5 rs... which dont fix anything if you restore your ipod to the 1.1 update again.
Update #3: On January 10th Apple released a software upgrade for most models of Ipod. Unfortunately, this upgrade seems to be causing more problems than good. Here are the readers digest versions of the symptoms I have experienced.
1- right after doing the upgrade, the ipod could not be read by itunes and I was instructed to restore to factory settings. It took me over 30 hrs to get MOST of my stuff back on the ipod.
2- While putting all the Music Videos and Tv Shows back on the ipod I noticed that some of the videos and shows that played fine on the ipod before the upgrade would not go back onto the ipod. I am still looking into what might be causing this.
3- While watching video (mostly tv shows) about 30 seconds into it, the ipod will "freeze frame" and then resume playing video without the audio. you can fast forward a couple seconds through but after another 30 seconds it will do the same thing.
4- roughly 1/4 of all the album artwork no longer shows up while playing (when viewing the ipod artwork in itunes all artwork is visible). There seems to be no rhyme or reason to which songs have the artwork visible and those that dont.
5-with the new update I noticed that the long title scrolling seems to be disabled. Long titles now just sit there...
6- So today I went in and deleted the 1.1 update from ipod software and did another restore to factory on my ipod back to version 1.0
Now I have to spend another 30 some odd hours putting everything back cuz I only have a Usb 1.1 port on my g3..(thats another issue entirely)
Here is to hoping that Apple will take some responsibility for this and come out with another ipod update fixing these problems. It frustrates me to hear how people use their one free phone call to get absolutely useless info.

Similar Messages

  • After runnin iPod Updater 2006-06-28 for my 2GB iPod Nano my computer froze

    I installed iTunes 6.0.5 and my 2GB iPod Nano was recognized... everything seemed OK. I then tried running iPod Updater 2006-06-28 and this is when my problems began. After running the Updater program my iPod froze during the update process. I had to shutdown my computer in order to stop the updater program. Upon restarting my computer, iTunes no longer recognizes my iPod and if I run the updater program again it continues to freeze or does not recognize my iPod. When I plug in my iPod, Windows recognizes my iPod but my computer becomes very slow. Please note that when my iPod is not connected to my computer it appears to be OK but all my data has been removed. The updater program also appears to have been successful in updating my iPod to v1.2.
    To try and resolve this issue I performed Apple's Five Rs and also followed Apples instructions for "iPod shows up in Windows but not in iTunes." Please see the links below for these procedures.
    Every attempt I have made has been unsuccessful and I am contemplating reinstalling Windows XP SP2. Can anyone help?
    MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum with AMD Athlon 3200+   Windows XP   2GB iPod Nano and iTunes

    same problem with my 4GB nano. I believe the updater is messed up, as all previous updaters work fine to restore for me (with a needed kill of the ipodservice.exe)

  • IPod updater/restore proble w/ latest 2006-06 version - FIXED

    Alright kids peep this!
    Background- have a Gateway 506GR running Winblows XP Home. Nothing special on it except I use both XPlay 2.0 and iTunes. Everything runs dandy. I have had 2 iPod Mini and a friend has a first gen Ipod U2 version. Updated them, restored them all gravy. Again, no probs...
    SO, the wife gets a an iPod Nano... thats when the problems start kicking in. Plug it in and it says we need to update to the 2006-06 updater. Cool. I did it with my Mini so I think this will be easy breazy... WRONG. Muf*cking Nano keeps freezing up. Updater freezes up, restore has no chance. Seems that something is fouling up the system here. Also get the error that cannot write to drive "G", the nano removable drive, sweet!
    I uninstall EVERYTHING - iTunes, updaters, XPlay, start up PC in safe mode, turn off firewall (ZoneAlarm), disable virus, remove MusicMatch... nothing. Tried to do the update /restore by manually putting the Nano in Disk Mode and still nada. Oh yeah, took it to the Apple "Guru's at the Stanford store and ValleyFair in SJ and they have NO CLUE. They try some simple fixes and of course get nowhere. They just end up giving me another. I went through 2 this way.
    I got real desperate now. I search Google and found this - http://screwdave.blogspot.com/2006/05/ipod-nano-updater-3-23-really-needs.html and of course no dice there either. Maybe it will work for you.
    OK, FINALLY peep out DSLreports, the cats there are freaking real GURUS man, and found some guy with the same issue as me. The guy tried EVERYTHING the forum was throwing his way and he had no luck. One casually mentions that he may have a power supply issue regarding the USB 2.0 ports on his PC. "Hmmmmmm", I think that this is just stupid enough to work. I go to Radio Shack and buy a crappy $20 USB 2.0 hub with an external power supply and plug it in. Removed iTunes, all the updaters, and Xplay and start from scratch. Re-install iTunes and use update 2006-03, then re-install XPlay 2.9. Plugin the Nano and Whamo! it freaking works. Sweet.
    Gateway 506GR Windows XP Winblows
    Gateway 506GR   Windows XP   Winblows

    Same thing happened to me (well my 30gb video iPod XD) And to a lot of people, apparently. My iPod has been comatose (I REFUSE to say it's dead) since Monday after the iPod Update. It's NEVER had problems before, so I lay the blame on the Update. It took forever to "update" (I had it in for hours) and when I finally dced it (prematurely apparently?? I don't know how leaving it in a couple hours and then taking it out makes it premature but okay iPod Updater...) it flashed to the Apple screen, which I then reset, and now it's in its comatose state
    I have really nothing to contribute but to say it's happened to me, too XD I've had no luck at other threads so if anyone could help, it would be much appreciated Thanks

  • Any known problems with iPod Updater 2006-06-28?

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    I was a fool. I refrained from updating because I knew better than to try to fix something that isn't broken, but I was hungover and upset about the fact that whenever the headphones cord wiggles my ipod pauses. I was convinced for the split second in between two throbbing beats in my head that perhaps the new update would give me an option of shutting that aspect of the ipod off. Woe is me.
    Now 10 gb of my music is unavailable. The ipod just skips over it. It didn't delete the files, they're all still there, I just can't play them; not on the ipod nor on the computer (not original computer for ipod). In Itunes an exclamation point shows up in the first column whenever I try to play certain songs, but there is no information about what is wrong. If I go to info on these songs there is no entry for Profile: Channel: or Encoded With:, unlike the rest of my songs that still work.
    Any hope of recovery?

  • IPod Updater 2006-06-28 still says Don't Disconnect...

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    Now, this message is already on my screen for more than a hour. My question: is this ok and normal?
    (perhaps I have to say that my iPod wasn't charged completeley.)
    I hope someone knows something about this.

    Ok, you see the thing is, I'm only 13 and I have like
    no idea as to what I should do. and most of all, I
    don't really have a clue as to what you just said.
    I'm sorry if I'm bugging you, but I think what
    you're saying is that if I remove itunes and i
    reinstall it, all my songs will be there? This is
    so confusing. You know what? Thanks for your help
    anyway. I appreciate it.
    Okay Shorty1324, I have uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes i don't know how many times and my music files and folders have never been erased from my computer so you don't need to worry about that. However, if you do decide to uninstall iTunes again and think it may erase your music, try making a backup copy (not a CD) of your all music files and/or folders. meaning, make a totally new folder, save it somewhere on your hard drive or desktop where YOU know everything in it will not be harmed if iTunes decides to go ape (for lack of better words). if everything works according to plan, (meaning iTunes works without any problems) then your iTunes problem is solved. but keep the backup copy of your music in case something else goes wrong. hopefully this explanation helps you. i know it's hard to understand technical jargon but you will learn as you get older. no worries!
    30GB iPod with Video   Windows XP  

  • IPod Update 2006-06-28 taking too long

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    Thanks a lot.
    Pentium III   Windows XP  

    I used Windows task manager to force iPod Updater to close and, after that, I used the feature "Safely remove USB hardware". My iPod restarted automatically and it's working fine now. The iPod system is up-to-date and it's being recognized by Windows XP and iTunes without a problem.

  • 5gen iPod not loading in iTunes or iPod updater 2006

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    Just before this problem started happening the iPod would skip or freeze while playing songs. It would start out as just a delay of the song and the time reading would freeze but the song would keep playing. Then they would both freeze and I would have to restart it.
    I need all the help I can get -thanks

    iPod Updater 2006-01-10 has caused a lot of problems for a lot of people. If you were experiencing problems before you attempted to install the updater, I suggest you phone Apple's tech support and take advantage of their free within 90 days of purchase support. Or, if you have an Apple store near by, drop in and let them take a look.
    If you had no problems before attempting to install the iPod Updater 2006-01-10 I suggest that you post a "me too" message to the "Complete iPod Failure" thread from 1-23-1006 ( http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=330396&tstart=0 ), with a description of the problems you are experiencing and what model iPod you own. That thread is an effort at consolidating discussion of this specific issue, as well as a collection of the myriad possible fixes available.
    Then phone Apple's tech support (1.800.275.2273) and let them know you've had a problem with the iPod Updater 2006-01-10.
    Choose menu selection #1, Technical Support, and talk the automated responder through your configuration.
    Good luck!

  • Smart Playlists are fixed with iPod Updater 2006-01-10

    Hello Podders, Resident Furball here...
    iPod Updater 2006-01-10 restores dynamic updating of Smart Playlists on the iPod
    iPod Updater 2005-06-26 disabled the onboard dynamic updating of Smart Playlists on iPods older than the Nano and Gen5. This feature can now be restored using iPod Updater 2006-01-10.
    We held lengthy debates about this issue on Discussions (here, here and here), as well as the iLounge thread that sparked a dedicated website.
    However, we are glad to confirm that the latest iPod Updater resolves this issue, as I was informed by email from Apple Level 2 Support, and as tested by some of our long-suffering Gen4 and Pod Photo users. The Apple KB article on Smart Playlists has also been updated.
    Since the threads that I started have now been locked down to reflect resolution, I'm posting this just to confirm that everything now appears to have been resolved, and I would like to thank everyone here on Discussions for their patience and excellent troubleshooting in diagnosing this problem. Thank you to everyone who posted Feedback, those of you who took the time to phone Apple, and also to Apple Level 2 Phone Support for their assistance in escalating this matter up to US Engineering.
    Happy Podding everyone!
    Kind regards,

    Hello folks, Resident Furball again...
    Many folks have now reported that Smart Playlist functionality has been properly restored to the iPod.
    However, some folks have been reporting that Smart Playlists containing Podcasts are still coming to grief.
    From what I have seen reported, the firmwares prior to the Updater 2005-06-26 that broke Smart Playlists had the ability to dynamically update Podcast-containing Smart Playlists, but this functionality has not been restored in the latest 2006-01-10 that has fixed 'simple' Smart Playlists.
    I don't use Podcasts myself, so if you would like to know more, please refer to posts from Vibeeen and Tutackhamen who have described the continuing issue in detail.
    In the meanwhile, I have drawn the attention of Level 2 Support to these reports, and recommend that you continue to submit appropriate Feedback if you are affected by this quirk.
    Kind regards,

  • BEWARE of iPod Updater 2006-01-10

    I just ran the iPod Updater 2006-01-10 on my iPod Photo and it erased the disk and made it unrecognisable to the OS. I then tried to run the iPod Updater 2006-01-10 on it and run restore, but it could not read the disk. So the iPod was DEAD. Luckily I had iPod Updater 2005-11-17 on my machine and it seems to be working.

    In response to the thread I created 24 hours ago consolidating discussion of this issue, Apple has locked the thread, locked me out of my former user name, and deleted my attempts to continue the discussion on this board. I can no longer post to these forums with the name "L3263827"!
    Apple seems to be dodging this issue, and I wanted users of the forums to be aware of their despicable behavior.
    Many of my previous posts have been deleted. If I disappear again keep the discussions up! Apple will not address this issue unless it is demonstrated that the updater has caused problems on a "significant number of units". Apple's position seems to be that the updater is "working" on "millions of units" and therefore those of us with problems are insignificant or irrelevant.
    After hours on tech support today they offered to repair my iPod without charge (as they should have offered from the beginning), or to send me a $100 coupon towards the purchase of a new unit (which I was apparently supposed to be honored to receive). I have had to address the lockout of my userID through different channels.
    Attention users with old iPods that are now paperweights: Report the problem! If we don't report the problem and prove the pervasive nature of this issue Apple has repeatedly stated they will ignore it!
    Check the old thread "Complete iPod Failure" ( http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=330396&tstart=0 ) See how many users reported problems between 4pm and 9am! Don't let Apple steal your iPod and sell it back to you!
    I suggest users experiencing problems with iPod Updater 2006-01-10 now create new, individual "Me Too Updater 2006 - Username" threads with descriptions of their problems and models, rather than post to a single thread Apple can lock and ignore.

  • Problem with iPod Updater 2006-08-28

    It seems that there is a bug in this version of the iPod Updater. I didn't know where to post so I came here as this problem may be the related to the fact that I use it on my Nano 1Go.
    When I restored my iPod, the iPod Updater created a void SysInfo file :s
    So this was a problem to test stuff like iPodLinux.
    I had to restore it with the precious version on the CD (2006-03-23) and then make an update with the 2006-08-28 to keep the SysInfo file.
    Is it normal ?
    Could someone warn apple of this bug ?

    I was a fool. I refrained from updating because I knew better than to try to fix something that isn't broken, but I was hungover and upset about the fact that whenever the headphones cord wiggles my ipod pauses. I was convinced for the split second in between two throbbing beats in my head that perhaps the new update would give me an option of shutting that aspect of the ipod off. Woe is me.
    Now 10 gb of my music is unavailable. The ipod just skips over it. It didn't delete the files, they're all still there, I just can't play them; not on the ipod nor on the computer (not original computer for ipod). In Itunes an exclamation point shows up in the first column whenever I try to play certain songs, but there is no information about what is wrong. If I go to info on these songs there is no entry for Profile: Channel: or Encoded With:, unlike the rest of my songs that still work.
    Any hope of recovery?

  • Nano Backlight (Hold-Menu) no longer working after iPod Updater 2006-01-10

    After updating my 4gb black iPod Nano to software v1.1 via the iPod Updater 2006-01-10, I can no longer enable the backlight by holding down the menu button. Now when the menu button is pressed and held for a second or two it actually returns to the home screen. Feature or bug? The backlight does work if I set it to turn off in 2 Seconds via the Settings->Backlight Timer menu so I know the hardware is still ok. In practice, I usually leave the backlight off to conserve battery and temporarily enable it via the hold menu procedure when needed. Any others experiencing this same problem?
    Pb 12/1.5/80GB/1.25GB/BT2.0   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    I'd be willing to bet that Apple considers the
    updated behavior to be the "Correct" behavior.
    According to the Apple Nano Features Guide:
    "Turn on backlight - If the backlight timer is set to Off, press and hold Menu to turn on the backlight"
    I would argue that the issue I am experiencing after update is not the correct behavior. Every iPod made, save the shuffle, functioned this same way: hold the menu button for 1-2 seconds to enable backlight.

  • IPOD updater 2006-1-10, now no sound after video plays for a few seconds

    I installed the latest IPod updater 2006-1-10 and now all my movies will hang for a few seconds and then the sound stops working. If I forward through a few frames, the sounds comes back and repeats the same behaviour.
    Anyone have a fix or seen this before?

    iPod Updater 2006-01-10 has caused a variety of problems on multiple iPod models.
    I just spent an hour on the phone with tech support. They forwarded me to some higher level techs due to my extreme heat while recharging issue. They still seem unaware of the problem. I suggested they read the forums to see just how widespread the problem is. The tech I spoke with assured me she would pass the problem up through the ranks and check the forums, but she said they haven't had a lot of service calls on the issue.
    I suggest that everyone post a "me too" message to the "Complete iPod Failure" thread from 1-23-1006 ( http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=330396&tstart=0 ), with a description of the problems they are experiencing and what model iPod they own. That thread is an effort at consolidating discussion of this specific issue, as well as a collection of the myriad possible fixes available.
    Then phone Apple's tech support (1.800.275.2273) and let them know you've had a problem with the iPod Updater 2006-01-10.
    Choose menu selection #1, Technical Support, and talk the automated responder through your configuration.
    Hopefully we can at least bring the issue to their full attention and get them to pull the updater from the downloads so it doesn't ruin anyone else's day!
    Good luck!

  • Ipod Update 1-10-2006 Causes Problems

    I did not have problems adding music to my iPod until I downloaded the iPod Update 1-10-2006. So I'm guessing that the the root of the problem. Also, I have been having trouble ejecting my iPod.
    Anyone else experiencing these problems?

    My XP control panel shows 'iPod for Windows 2006-01-10' is 53.58MB.
    Is it safe to REMOVE the program?

  • Can't Make iPod Updater 2006-01-10 Inactive Within Software Update

    Hello team,
    I've been setting up a graphite CRT iMac at my school here with OS X Jaguar, and in running various Software Update installs, I've discovered the "flaw" I listed in the subject line. Namely, that no matter how many times I attempt to do so, I cannot make the iPod Updater 2006-01-10 inactive. I have literally tried to do so about 20 times (after nearly ever other software update install/reboot), but each time I launch Software Update, the damned iPod Updater reappears in the list. Any idea what's going on here or how to prevent it from showing up anymore? Thanks a heap in advance for your feedback!
    Electronically yours,
    Erik Dahlin
    School-based Tech Specialist
    Churchill Road ES
    Graphite CRT iMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)   768MB RAM, 80GB HD

    Actually, I have been able to make three other SU updates inactive (Bluetooth 1.3.3, iSight Updater 1.0.2 and iPod Driver 3.1) and they DON'T reappear each time I launch Software Update. ONLY the aforementioned iPod Updater 2006-01-10 continues to reappear, despite the repeated attempts to make it inactive. So, obviously something else is afoot here. I continue to welcome any suggestions or ideas.
    Electronically yours,

  • Ipod updater 2006-06-28 wiped my 60gb video ipod!

    i just tried updating the firmware, and now im getting a message on my ipod saying "connect to your computer. use itunes to restore." i dont want to restore my ipod, i just wanted to update the software!! in windows the ipod is recognized as a drive letter, however when i click on it it says the drive is not formatted and asks if i want to format it. all i want is the firmware to be reinstalled. i saw this: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=303915 but i dont get any message box that asks if i want to update. and yes i have the newest version of itunes. when i try to run the updater again it just sits there forever and hangs. is there any sort of data recovery software i can use to get my songs back? i would like to just update it again without having to lose all my data. thanks.

    Same thing happened to me (well my 30gb video iPod XD) And to a lot of people, apparently. My iPod has been comatose (I REFUSE to say it's dead) since Monday after the iPod Update. It's NEVER had problems before, so I lay the blame on the Update. It took forever to "update" (I had it in for hours) and when I finally dced it (prematurely apparently?? I don't know how leaving it in a couple hours and then taking it out makes it premature but okay iPod Updater...) it flashed to the Apple screen, which I then reset, and now it's in its comatose state
    I have really nothing to contribute but to say it's happened to me, too XD I've had no luck at other threads so if anyone could help, it would be much appreciated Thanks

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